Chapter 13

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Mei stayed up all night converting Julie's poem into a song. Fortunately, the boys had already made the music.

A yawn escapes Mei's mouth as she looks around. Balled-up papers and broken pencils, surrounded her on the couch as she finishes the song. Her hair is tangled and her throat is sore from the cold dry air of the garage.

Mei sets down her notebook and closes her eyes as she begins to drift off into a dreamless sleep. The sun starts to rise and its light fills the room. A few minutes into her sleep she was awakened by the loud sound of drums and yelling voices.

"MEI!" A voice yells. Mei jumps up from the couch startled, her eyes wide open.

"Who's on fire?" the girl exclaims as she looks around. She sees Alex, Luke, and Reggie standing near their instruments.

"Sorry, but you needed to wake up, Julie and her friend will be here in any minute. You need to get dressed and we need to learn the song. Please-" Luke was cut off by the garage door opening harshly.

"Please tell me you finished the song," Julie says walking in and looking at Mei.

Mei lets out a yawn. "Of course, I finished the song." Mei pulls a sheet of paper out of her hair. "Read it over, and tell me what you guys think after I get ready"

30 minutes later, Mei exits the bathroom, dressed, with a towel wrapped around her head to dry her hair.

"Mei, this song is amazing," Julie says smiling at the teen.

"No sweat, you did most of the work"

Sunset Curve and Julie rehearse their song for about an hour before there is a knock on the garage wall.

Julie walks over and opens the door.

"Thanks for coming. We just wanted to rehearse the song so it was perfect"

"Which it is" Mei chimes in from behind near the drums cleaning her microphone.

Flynn walks in and takes a seat after making a few snarky remarks that Mei couldn't hear.

"If you'll notice, there's no equipment that will produce a hologram. Feel free to look around," Julie walks behind her keyboard. "Mei took a poem I wrote and put it to music."

"Aww, I wish I didn't have to talk to your dad after this" Mei rolled her eyes at Flynn's response.

"You guys ready to blow her mind?" Mei asks the boys.

"Ready" the three boys reply.

"If I leave you on a bad note. Leave you on a sad note. Guess that means I'm buying lunch that day" Julie sings.

"I know all your secrets You know all my deep dish. Guess that means some things that never. They never change" Mei sings

"We both know what I, what I, what I mean. When I look at you Its like Im looking at me" Mei and Julie sing together.

Luke, Alex, and Reggie begin to play their instruments. A blue glowing outline appears around as it does when they teleport.

Flynn lets out a scream.

"My life, my life would be real low. Zero. Flying solo. My life, my life would be real low, zero. Flying solo without you"

Flynn looks around in disbelief.

"Oh oh oh" the boys harmonize.

"Yeah my life my life would be real low zero flying solo without you"

Julie crouches down and holds Flynn's hand. Mei takes her spot at the keyboard. 

"Yeah you know who I'm liking way before I like them. Duh, cause you like them first"

"And if somebody hurts you I'm gonna get hurt too. That's just how we work yeah that's just how we work"

Julie continues to sing as she walks Flynn around introducing her to the band. After singing the chorus once again Julie decides to join their band or let them join her band as Flynn states. 

20 minutes later, Flynn heads out to school as she takes the bus. Rick was kind enough to give Mei a ride to school with Julie. Arriving at school, Julie has a pair of earbuds in as she dances and sings quietly as in some kind of trance. Mei guides her to her locker and keeps her from running into other students. Finally, she breaks out of it when Mei takes the drumsticks from her back pocket and hands them back to the band member. 

Flynn walks up to the pair. 

"Hey," Julie and Mei say together. 

"What's up?" Julie asks. 

"Nothing, it's just nice seeing you back to your weirdo self."

"Thanks?' Julie asks not knowing if it's a compliment or not.

"Hey um I'm going to walk around and find my classes. I'm so excited to be back in high school" Mei says. Julie smiles at her in adoration as a gleam of excitement lights up the girl's eyes as she runs off with a wave. Flynn smiles at her best friend's obvious crush. 

"How's the band? Still hot, still talented? Still dead?" Flynn whispers the last part. 

"Yes, yes, and yes" Julie replies. "Mei and I plan on writing songs all weekend. Music is flowing through me as it did with my mom" 

"Happy for you but we have more important matters. My girl's got a crush and her name is Mei"

"What? No, I don't" Julie immediately denies. Flynn raises an eyebrow at the girl. "Okay, I do have a crush. She took me out on a date and last night after you left we kissed." 

Flynn lets out a squeal. "My baby is all grown up" Flynn wipes away a fake tear. 

The two girls talk at their lockers until the bell rings signaling class is about to start. 

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