The day arrived quicker than they anticipated and students were busy quickly taking their seats in the stands, excited for the first task to begin. On the other hand the champions were nervously waiting for their first task to begin as they paced around the tent trying to calm themselves down. A loud roar is heard from outside startling the champions as they pause in their pacing to look at each other nervously before pacing again. Charlie then walks into the tent and catches sight of Bree pacing quickly from one side of the tent to the other wearing yellow and black robes with her last name and house crest on the back mumbling to herself. He instantly makes his way over and places his hands on her cheeks to make her stop pacing and look at him "hey calm down everything will be alright". "Its not me im worried about" Bree tells him before looking over at Harry quickly then returning her gaze to Charlie. The red head understands instantly and pulls her in for a tight hug that she returns just as tightly "he will be fine, he has lived through a lot over the years a dragon is nothing, you have nothing to worry about". Bree slightly relaxs at that realisation then slightly pulls away to look up at Charlies worried, caring brown eyes "thank you and dont you go worrying about me either ill be fine". "I know but it still doesnt stop me from worrying until your out of that arena unharmed" states Charlie before he hugs her one more time with a kiss to the head then heads over to Harry pacing a few feet from them. "Hey Harry theres no need to worry theres plenty of us out there to keep an eye on things and make sure nothing bad happens, so you will be fine" reassures Charlie with a small smile and a hand on the boys shoulder. Harry just nods too nervous to say anything as Charlie says one more thing loud enough for Bree to hear to which makes her smile "mom also wanted me to wish you luck, shes rooting for you and Bree". The red head then leaves to continue helping to prepare the dragons for the task. A flash goes off a couple minutes later causing Bree to look at the entrance of the tent only to see Rita Skeeter standing there with her camera man. Bree rolls her eyes from seeing the woman standing there and how she tries to make it seem like Harry and Hermione were together after the young witch huged him in her worry. "You have no business here, this tent is for champions and friends" Victor Krum speaks standing up to the reporter for which Bree applauds him for in her thoughts while smirking externally. "Ill just come back later then" says Rita seductively towards Krum while running the quil across his cheek to which he jerks away from. "Dont mind her she is just like any reporter sneaking about for any sort of juicy gossip, even if its a lie" Bree tells Hermione and Harry with a reassuring smile. "Dont worry i know and she will get her come up ons someday, karma is great that way" replies Hermione causing Bree to smile in amusement "aint that the truth". Dumbledore then suddenly enters the tent extremely cheerful for the task ahead with the other headmasters and Barty Crouch entering closely behind him. "Good day champions, gather round please. Now you have waited, you have wondered but at last the moment has arrived, a moment only four of you can fully appreciate" the headmaster starts his speech excitedly before noticing Hermione and asking in confusion "what are you doing here Ms Granger" causing Bree to quietly chuckle. "Oh im sorry ill just go" Hermione tells him sheepishly and with a last comforting look to Harry she was gone. 

"Barty the bag" Dumbledore tells the ministry man which makes Bree realise that said man was holding a dark purple bag with what looked to be steam coming out of it. "Champions gather round me" instructs Barty as he starts to move champions around to certain positions. Fleur was moved to Bartys right with Krum next to her and Harry was moved to Bartys left with Bree next to him. "Ms Delacour, if you will" insists Barty as he holds the bag open towards her. Fleur slow and unsure places her hand in the bag before grimacing in pain as she pulls out a small live figure of a green dragon. Welsh green Bree thinks to herself just as Barty says it, putting her dragon knowledge to the test. Barty then moves over to Krum and offers the bag which Krum doesnt hesitate to put his hand in and pull a miniature dragon out. Chinese fireball good luck with that Bree thinks to herself again knowing those dragons can be deadly. Barty then moves over to her and she slowly puts her hand in until shes able to wrap her hand around one and gently pulls it out. Opening her fist she sees its a Swedish Short Snout which instantly sets off her mind into thinking of strategies to get past it. Lastly Harry gets his dragon which turns out to be a Hungarian Horntail causing Brees eyes to widen as their even more dangerous. "Each of these represent very real dragons who have been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple collect the egg, this you must do to move on to the next task" explains Barty simply which is easier said then done. "Good luck champions and Ms Tonks at the sound of the cannon you will -" Dumbledore starts to explain before being interrupted by the cannon going off alerting the audience the task is about to begin. Bree manages to take a deep breath and give Harry one last reassuring look before starting to make her way into the arena as she listens to people cheer her name. As Bree makes her way through the stone tunnel she makes a point of going through everything in her memory of what she knows about her dragon. Ok they are a silvery blue colour, their fire can disintegrate bone and steel in seconds. They are agile flyers but can be distracted for a short period of time. That last thought causes a light bulb to turn on over her head as she smirks to herself i can use transfiguration to distract it. 

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