“Y/n…” his voice echoed. But it didn't bring you relief to hear it, it didn't bring you comfort. There was something residing in his tone that you couldn't place. He held up his wrist letting the string dangle lazily from it. The string had a beautiful purple hue, and you could see the specks of white and gold that seemed to glitter off of it. 

    “Why did you do it…?” he asked, “Why did you do this to me?!” You try to open your mouth to say something. Anything. To tell him that you didn't mean to, that you weren’t thinking straight! But as soon as you do, your mouth is filled with the tar like liquid, making you gag and choke. The taste was horrible. A bitter and sour taste. It tasted like copper and iron that had been saturated with vinegar. It burned as it forced its way down your throat, you closed your mouth letting out forced back coughs, and making the corner of your eyes prick with tears.

You shake your head just barely being able to move at all.

“You’re a monster…” his voice echoed, “You threw me away. What a horrible person. You're just like your mother. You were going to leave me behind, right? You used me.”

    Your eyes burn as they let out tears.
"Monster." That's the only thing you can think of. It echos in your head.

He pulled out a razor...your razor. That stupid gray and yellow box cutter that you had tried to attack Kirishim with…. Why did he have that?

    “Well….” he looked up. Right at you... But his eyes were dark. In fact they weren’t even there. There were just dark gaping warps where they should be.

    He brought the razor and put it under his wrist almost making contact to the string. 

You started to freak out. You tried to shake out of the tar and do anything you could to get out of it. You had tried to use your quirk on him, but it didn't work, it wouldn't work!

    Why did you feel so panicked, why did you feel so scared!? You felt like you were in danger.

“I don't need you anymore!” he yelled, his face filled with rage.

He moved the razor towards the string with great speed and force, and it sliced through it as if it had somehow become solid and still. The sting practically shattered and flew all over the place in small and large and broken up little glowing shards of what it once was. Your eyes began to burn and your head and heart throbbed with great pain. It felt as if all muscles in all your limbs had snapped apart and you felt your whole body throb with the rhythm of your speeding heartbeat. You looked up at Jin with crying eyes. Tears streamed down your face as he watched you cry.

You look towards his writs to see the small amount of string left dangling there. You look back up at him just barely being able to focus your eyes, due to the intense pain and throbbing of your head… With every beat of your heart our eyes would try to adjust, and blur in and out on his figure.

    “This is all your fault…you did this,” he said with a pain expression, “Why would you do this to me…? Why would you be so selfish when I would have done anything for you? I loved you…You knew I loved you Y/n!” he began to cry, “it was probably fun for you to play with my heart wasn't it? Your thought you'd be the one to leave me behind, huh?” he said, “Well, think again Y/n….And now you’re right where you belong.”

    ‘No!’ you thought, ‘Don't leave me here! Jin, please don't leave me here!’

You went to open your mouth again and the tar started to pour in once again, but this time you couldn’t stop it from forcing its way into your mouth. You gagged once again and looked back up to look at Jin, to beg him for help. You tried to use your connection. You tried to call out to him. You tried to get out of whatever it was you were stuck in. But when you looked back up at him, Kirishima stood in his place.

    His eyes were dark holes the same way Jin’s were. And he gave you a devilish smile and let out a low chuckle.

    “You’re an idiot Y/n,” he said, “Did you really think that you had a chance with someone like me? Don't be fucking stupid.” 

    Your heart sank deep into your very being the moment the words left his mouth. He looked you up and down with a wrinkled face.

    “You’re not who I thought you were Y/n. I mean look at you...you're disgusting.” he said. He bent down to your level, making you come face to face with his empty black eyes, “You’re a joke. Did you really think that our classmates didn't see through your little act? How pathetic.” He got back up and shoved his hand in his pockets.

“You can't do anything right.... You can't even manage to kill yourself. You really are a failure," he gave you a cocky smile and you just could hold back your tears. You tried, but they just wouldn't stop.

"But hey...here's my advice. Bullets work better than pills..." He laughed, " You should have died on that bathroom floor, Y/n…” he said as he turned around.

His words were like daggers to your heart. The tears stung as they fell. You wanted to tell him no. That you’re not disgusting. You tried to scream out for help as you heard his lonely footsteps fading away. He left from your line of sight the second the tar covered you completely, pulling you under you to the surface. 

    It was cold and felt as if it had become less thick and was now a freezing dark liquid. You tried to flail our arms and legs to do anything you could to get to the surface. But it just felt like you were getting lower and lower, the pressure on your body starting to become even more noticeable. You couldn't breath, and you were beginning to struggle with holding in your last breaths. Your eyes just hardly open as you see the very dull and distant red and blue flashes and what sounded like screeches in the distance.

    The amount of willpower you were losing was becoming irrational. You couldn't hold your breath for much longer. And soon you coulndt hold it any longer. You let out a gasp feeling the sickeningly bitter and slimy liquid gush into your lungs, you felt it burning as you tried to cough but wasn't able to. You felt the cold seeping into your lungs and stomach. Your eyes burned as they started to become almost nimble to the temperature. 

    You tried to open them to search for an escape. But when we did, the lights started to glow brighter. Now flashing in the rhythm of your heart beat. It was getting brighter and brighter with every thump. And with every thump the throbbing pain in your limbs and head grew harsher; and the pain in your chest grew sharper. More and more. It stung on the outside like you had a gash bleeding under a pour of alcohol. And on the inside it, it was indescribable. It felt as if you had been his in the chest with a metal bat. Burning with every movement.

    And the pain became so great that you started to claw at your own chest pressing your hands against your chest. Until you felt your head getting light and you lost that last breath you were holding onto. 

You let the liquid surround you and spread into your lungs…..welcoming the cold and burning to flow throughout your body. And you became submerged in the pitch black that you had been trapped in....

Then everything seemed to go still...

You let out a gasp as your eyes flew open and you looked around frantically sitting up in a cold sweat. You look around trying to find our location. And you realize you're in the hospital. You lay in your hospital bed feeling cold and shaking. Letting out a trembling sigh.

“Just….a dream..” you sobbed out putting your hands to your face. You curl yourself up, grabbing at your skin digging your nails into our forearms trying to focus on the comforting sting instead of the nightmare you had just had. Trying to ignore the racing of your pulse. 

“J-just...A...a dre-dream” you sobbed. Your breath grew choppy and broken. The anxiety and panic consumed your mind. Your nails dug deeper into your skin. Your heart beat was so loud. It was to load. You couldn't breath. You couldn't focus. You looked around frantically trying to use literally any method you could remember, to stop your panic.

Word count: 2229

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