America's Sweetheart (2)

Start from the beginning

     "'No more than an hour'?" I yelped. "Since when? You said you would only take a few minutes!"

     Reid gave me weird look as we approached the back entrance. "Seriously? Shouldn't you be used to liars by now? I mean, you're pretty successful, and this is Hollywood, baby. You can't get anywhere without dealing with liars and fakes night and day."

     I raised my eyebrows. "You're saying this? The guy who simply adores everything about Hollywood? Plus, you're calling yourself a liar?"

     Reid shrugged and ran a hair through his dark, wavy hair. "Everything has it's pros and cons -- including Hollywood. And yeah, I'm calling myself a liar." He added with a smirk.

     "It's nothing to be proud of!" I scolded him and slapped his arm playfully.

     We stopped in front of the back entrance, and Reid nodded at the guard as he silently opened the doors for us. Smiling, Reid grabbed my hand and led me into the dark hall inside. "Whatever you say." He finally replied.

     I snuck a glance at him as we silently walked. I had to admit, his side profile was attractive. He was your typical Hollywood boy -- tall, brooding, sexy. Now, wearing a casual pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, he looked simple, yet seductive.

     Too bad he was only my fake-boyfriend. I was actually currently single at the moment, but only I knew that (my mom, publicist, agent, manager, and crew were the only other ones who knew, but they didn't really count.) -- the rest of the world thought I was dating Reid. My publicist, Sandra, and Reid's publicist, Marco, had decided that starting a fake relationship between us was a good way to promote our upcoming new movie, Just My Luck. Yup, Reid was my co-star, and he played my love interest in the movie.

     Suddenly, Reid glanced at me, a small smile on his lips. "You like what you see?" He teased.

     I felt my cheeks growing hot. Damn, he'd caught me checking him out. "I don't know what you're talking about." I bluffed quickly.

     The dark hall ended as we walked into a huge opening. We were now officially in the club. All around us, there was a variety of activities going on: dancing, drinking, groping, making out, fighting, everything under the stars. I glanced around, trying to see if I'd recognize anyone. And sure enough, I did -- but I only spotted people I was fairly familiar with. I didn't see any friends. Slowly, I walked forward, leaving Reid in my wake.

     Behind me, I heard him snort. "Yeah, right. C'mon, we all know -- " He suddenly cut off as some girl ran past me -- and, as I turned around in bewilderment -- , ran up to him and grabbed him in a tight hug.

     "OMG, Reid! You're here!" She squealed.

     "Uh..." Reid glanced at me, a look of confusion on his face. Slowly, he pulled the girl away from him and stared down at her face. "...Do I...know you?"

     "Well, no...but I'm your biggest fan, I swear! And I'm absolutely sure that we'll get married one day and have a dozen adorable kids and -- "

     "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Reid held up his hands as if in surrender. For a second, he looked like he was going to blow the girl off, but then seemed to change his mind as a sly grin slowly appeared on his face. "What's your name?" He asked instead.

     "Jennifer, but my friends call me Jen or Jenny, and personally, I hate it when people call me Jennifer. But you can call me whatever you want." The girl giggled and threw herself into Reid's arms again.

     I raised my eyebrows as I examined the girl. She was petite, with a tanned body, honey blond hair, and even though her back was to me now, I had seen her eyes as she'd first run up to Reid. She had the bluest, prettiest eyes I'd ever seen. All in all, your typical Californian. Or at least, the stereotype of one.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2011 ⏰

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