Chapter 19 - Meet Halstead Jr X2

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"Mr and Mrs Halstead" the nurse called us through

Jay takes one look at me and starts laughing "one more week and you will be Mrs Halstead"

"I know, but is going to take some getting used to not being called Cooper all the time"

He just smiles and takes my hand as we walk into the consultation room.

I take a seat on the bed and we wait for the doctor to come in

"What are you staring at Halstead" I had noticed he was staring at me and smirking.

"Just my beautiful Fiancé" he says walking over to me.

Just then a tall, dark haired doctor walked.

"Hello there I'm Dr Ellis, it's lovely to meet you both"

"Its lovely to meet you to, I'm Bailey and this is Jay" I reply.

She smiles at both of us before walking over to a machine and pressing some buttons.

"Ok so if you lie back for me and we can have a look at baby"

I lie back on the bed and she places the gel on my tummy, Jay can't stop smiling

"And look there they are" she says moving the wand around slightly.

"I'm sorry did you say they?" Asks Jay. I too had noticed this

"Yep, Congratulations you're having  twins!"



"Double trouble" says Jay looking down at me

I'm speechless, twins, I mean we weren't even planning one baby let alone two but I couldn't hide my excitement.

"I take it now we need to tell everyone" I say after Dr Ellis had checked them over

"We do, but let's wait until we get back from out honeymoon" Jay replies

I nod in agreement our wedding was only one week away and we could wait till then to reveal the big news.

"Ok so your about 8 weeks along" says Dr Ellis coming over and handing us some ultrasound pictures

"8 weeks" I say shocked "I had no idea, I've had quite a lot to drink in those 8 weeks"

"Don't worry both babies are in excellent health,just stay off the alcohol from now on"

"Dont worry about that doctor I will make sure she drinks nothing for the next 9 months" says Jay smirking

He knew how much I liked a drink after a long day at work and that I would definitely miss drinking every now and then.

"Excellent, and I'll see you in a month for your next appointment"

We thank the doctor and head back out to the car.

While waiting for an elevator we hear a familiar voice.

"Bailey, Jay what are you guys doing here?" Says Will jogging over to see us.

"Shit" mutters Jay in my ear.

"Hey bro, good the see you" Jay says loudly." We were just stopping by to question a suspect about a case we were working on"

"Anything I can help with?" He asks in his usual friendly tone

"Thanks will but I think we're OK for now" I say as the elevator doors open and Jay half shoves me in

"Bye" Jay calls as the doors shut.

"Fuck that was close" I say leaning on him

"Yeah too close"

"I guess we'll have to be more careful when coming to scans in future" I reply

He nods and kisses my hair.

"You know how much I love right?" He says quietly

"I do, and I love you to Jay" I smile at him

All we needed to do now was to get married and then our family would be 100% complete.

Our wedding day couldn't come soon enough

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