Chapter 1- my begining

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WARNING!!! there is a very intense sexual scene in this. DO NOT REPORT!!! You have been warned.

Difference- A Bleach Fanfiction. Chapter One- My Begining

I stood in the freezing cold wind outside the shack that I had been living in all by myself for five years. Yes, people did think it was odd that a fifteen year old girl would be living by herself in a makeshift shack. But that's just how life was. Hard and cruel. It looked for the weakest people in their hardest times and knocked them down off of their feet. I was one of those people, obviously. My life, so far, has been nothing except trouble and pain filled.

Let me tell you about my past so maybe you can understand exactly what I've been through. I lived with a very happy family of Four. I had a normal family. One big sister and one big brother, and of course a mother and father. But when I was around six, my father went off to fight in the wars down south. I don't know which war it was but after all, I was just six when it happened. Then, about a year later, a letter on red parchment came for mother in the mail. I don't know exactly what it said but it was from the government and by the way mother cried for days after reading it I can assume what it said.

 My father came back in a black porcelain coffin with red sattin trimming. I didn't get to say goodbye. I didn't even attend the funeral. I stayed at home in my speacial hiding place that nobody could ever find me in. Under my bed and through a hole I had discovered in my floor leading to the basement. The door to the basemnt, the only other entry point to the basement, was sealed off so nobody could ever find my secret place.

After my father had died, my mother became an extremely abusive drunk. She had convinced us that we were all ugly "bastards" and that  we were mutated. She beat us all so bad that we couldn't even go out in public anymore. But for some reason I always got beat worse. Maybe she figuerd since I was a daddy's girl when my dad was still around she should try to kill me off. Or maybe she beat me worse because I was the weakest and it made my siblings upset that I was getting hurt. She constantly told me I was so ugly and that everyone hated me. So I've grown up believing that. She always taunted us and we were always so skinny because she starved us by locking the food cabinet and hiding the key.

One day, when I was about seven, my sister got in a car accident. The doctors told us that she was going to be just fine. The doctors lied. She had severely broken her legs and her left arm's tendon had split so she couldn't use that arm again even if she had gotten better. She was in critical condition and do you want to know what my mom did? She got drunk.

Late one night, when we were visiting my sister, my mom sat in her chair and drank her booze till it was all gone. Then she did something that shocked us all. She went up to my sister and pulled all of the wires out of the walls. Let me refrase that, she pulled the one thing keeping my sister alive and healthy out of the wall. I don't even want to dscribe the seizure my sister had as she died. It was horrible. And my brother just held me back from helping her because he knew that mother would have killed me if I tried to save my sister.

After that, my mother got even worse in her abusiveness. Sometimes she would even break things in the process of breaking us. She cut me up with broken bottles and told me that I could never be loved because i was a disgusting freak. She wasn't even human anymore. She had become hollow and we could see it in her eyes. She didn't care about us. And we didn't care about her.

Then, one day, somebody found my secret hiding spot. My brother found it. We began sharing the hiding spot to stay away from mother when she was drunk. Then, something developed for him that should never be developed between brother and sister. He had finally snapped just like my mother. He began to act innapropriately towards me at all times. He would force me to kiss him and sit on his lap so he could hold me. I was around eight and a half when it began.

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