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"Another human." The pointy eared witch is practically making a hole in the ground pacing around you. She's wondering what to do with you, and just can't decide what is the best bet. Shall she kill you? No, too harsh. Send you back to the human world? She doesn't know how to get there. Sell you to another witch? But you could be more useful than you seem, she might want you all to herself.

She scratches her chin, and stops, staring you right in the eye with her vivid ones. One eye was grey, the other a golden yellow. "Do you know Luz?" She finally asks, stopping at a space a couple feet away from you and the chair you're tied against. You wiggle your arms, no use. Those knots were tight.

You take a deep breath, inhaling the surprisingly fresh smell of her. Like peppermint and lavender, a combination you wouldn't expect from anyone who lived in the Boiling Aisles. But then again, you were almost completely clueless about how things worked around here, including time. How old was she? You didn't know, but she looked close to 40. "No." You finally answer, not breaking eye contact, because you want to seem intimidating, although you are the one with less power at the moment.

However, you can't help but admire the woman. She was clearly a generous amount of years older than you, but had the spirit of a young child. She was able to capture you almost effortlessly, and brought you here without any complications. I mean, you weren't the most strongest person alive, but you had to give her props for pulling it off. She was witty, smart, she caught you in the matter of a few minutes. The only few minutes you spent out alone in this weird place before she dragged you back here. And, she was incredibly fierce, despite her lanky build. It seemed to you that everything about this women just seemed to surprise you, and you really enjoyed that.

You took a sharp, deep breath, because for some reason, being this close to a someone like this made you feel suffocated with nervousness. "If I find out you do, you're going to be in big trouble." You raise your eyebrows, because the threat seemed pretty empty in your opinion. "Have something to say?"

"I'm pretty sure you don't have the heart to do anything bad to a human like me. So just cut the crap. Untie me and let me go, and I'll never have to see you again." You say, and she crosses her arms as if you offended her and underestimated her ability.

"I'm not afraid to hurt anyone." She says. "Not to mention a worthless human."

"Is this Luz you speak of," you start and she perks up at the sound of the name of her friend, a human you have assumed. "Is she also a 'worthless human?'" You quote, and she looks even more unimpressed.

She stares you straight in the eye before talking again. "Luz is completely different from you. If you're out to get her, or anybody here, I'll have you by the throat. Understand?"

"Whatever." You grumble, knowing those obviously weren't your intentions.

"I'm going to untie you now, so behave." You hold back an eye roll.

The witch moves forward, going for your right wrist ropes first. "Thanks," you say, looking at her every move. You love the way her skin grazes across yours, and every time it happens, you want it to happen again and again and again. It's weirdly hypnotizing.

"This doesn't mean we're friends." She clarifies.

"Is that why you're going all nice on me?" You ask, in a teasing matter. She looks up at you with a nasty glare, but becomes nervous under your gaze.

"Absolutely not. You see these nails? Perfect for scratching out your fragile human organs. I said behave, or I won't hesitate." She warns through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, yeah." Once you're fully untied, you stand up and look straight at the witch, whose cheeks are flushing red as you look eye to eye. You stare at each other for a few awkward seconds, which really lets you take in all the details of her face. You liked them, you realized, and it felt weird to admit that, even inside your own head. "Your name?" You finally ask.

Edalyn Clawthorne x Reader <3Where stories live. Discover now