Get too close and you'll burn up

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I shouldn't be where I am right now, intertwining my flesh with a woman who gives the devil a run for his money, but here I am. Basking in her beauty, soaking up her essence while I can. 14 freckles, carelessly plastered across the skin of her back, mimicking a beautiful constellation. I will memorise these details, and save them for when I am once again at the hand of her destruction, waiting for her to show mercy that never arrives.

"June?" Serena lightly exhales while craning her neck to look at me. Her hair has gathered soft curls from being tangled in my hands through the events of last night, and I can't help but smirk at how outwardly ruined she looks. "I think it's time for you to go now." She doesn't look at me when she says this. She never does.

"Yeah, you're right. Guess you're pretty sated from our fuck session, why else would I need to be here?" I spit at her. I know I shouldn't, nothing good will come out of it. But fuck... I am sick of being used, toyed with as a means of pleasure. It's quite ironic really, as a person who idolises Kant to fall like this at the feet of a monster. "No person should be used as means to an end." Yet here I am, a sucker for her opulent soul. I know better than to stick around after she says leave, so I untangle my limbs from hers and steal one more glance of Serena Joy in a mess of satisfaction before I begin to dress.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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