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Waking up the next morning, you can hear the sound of breakfast cooking in the kitchen. You get up and follow the sound seeing a tall boy ahead of you making some bacon and eggs.

"Already up? This is a surprise. You normally sleep until I get you in the morning. Take a seat and breakfast will be ready in a moment."

The boy said without even turning to look at you. You go to sit at the table, to tired to try and figure out who this guy was, and within a few minutes he comes to the table.

"Wait, your not Kenma. I'm Kuroo, nice to meet you. I didn't think Kenma had any friends over. Sorry for the mistake earlier."

You nod and dig in to the plate he puts in front of you as he walks away. He returns with Kenma dragging his feet to the table behind him. The boys both take a seat and help themselves the the food Kuroo made.

• • •

Kuroo left after reviewing details of the upcoming practice match with Kenma. Kenma asked if you would be allowed to come too, as a friend to cheer him on, and Kuroo claimed he would make sure to leave a seat on the bus for you.

Once he was gone, Kenma collapsed on the couch. "Sorry about Kuroo. For some reason as a CPU, he still feels the need to take care of me. Not exactly sure why, but he comes everyday to wake me up, make breakfast, and sometimes bring free food, so I won't complain. He has some use to me other then being the captain at least."

You chuckle a little. Kenma was very obviously not a morning person, but at least you would have a chance to go to this practice match, so you wouldn't be alone, plus you would get to meet the other players from the real world, so maybe you might have a chance to actually get home.

You and Kenma talk for a while before you return to your room, trying to get a handle of the controls of the game.

Moving was much like it was in the real world, and your 5 senses seemed followed the same rule, with the exception of your nose definitely being off.

You couldn't identify the surrounding smells, all seeming foreign and weak. The feel of clothing also seemed strange, but yet poking your hand felt the same as any other day.

After a few hours, you heard a knock at the door. "Mind if I come in? I got something for you," you hear Kenma call from the other side.

You open the door to see him holding a few bags. "I figured you might want some clothes of your own. I had to...guess your size for certain items, but I hope that you don't mind. I can always return them if you don't like them or they don't fit."

You take the bags from him and put them on your bed, thanking him, and he leaves you to try them on. To your surprise, they fit amazingly well, and were just your style to. You found clothes of all your favorite colors and he even thought of under garments, which were close enough to size that you could wear them too. Though slightly concerning, you were thankful that you at least had clothes you could call your own.

At the bottom of the bag, there was a note. I hope this isn't to out of line, but I asked Kuroo to help, since he has a friend that seemed roughly the same size as you. I told him I wanted to surprise you with an outfit to wear to our match, and he was... very detailed in his suggestion. I hope you like these either way.

You couldn't help but smile. At least he thought to help you, even if you would still make an excuse to steal one of his larger hoodies for yourself once in a while!

-Author's Note-

Practice match is coming up soon! Who do you think Nekoma is gonna face?

Who do you think the other two players are going to be?

Any suggestions? I am open to your thoughts!

Haikyuu! ~ Trapped in this World with You!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora