Peter Stark's school

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"I am not allowed to have caffeine." I told Tony. He looked at me confused. "Why the hell not?" He asked. I shivered.

"I've always had ADHD, and With my spider powers, something happened, that I can't control caffeine. I still remember the time where aunt may gave me some the day after I got my powers and I was running around like a madman. I had to leave the apartment it was so bad." I whispered. Tony scoffed.

"Okay kid, the only exception you get to drink coffee is if you haven't slept for over forty eight hours." Tony said. I gave him a thumbs up and ran off to school.

"Hey Peter." Nate said. I smiled. I got tapped on the shoulder and I spun around. Alex stood there with some of the other girls looking worried. "Hey, what's the matter?" I asked concerned. 

"W-were scared, all of the girls." Skylar whispered. I looked confused. "What the hell? Why?" I asked. "A huge group of guys from the school, texted every guy in the school saying there was a compition of who could hook up with more girls." Sophie said, tears in her eyes. "E-even if it means raping us." 

 Anger boiled inside of me. "I need to make a phone call." I said quietly and went outside. The bell rung but I could care less.

I dialed the number I knew from heart and they picked up after the second ring.

"Dad I need a favor."

"What's up kiddo? Everything alright?"

"No, not at all. I need like fifty thousand free passes. And probably you and pops coming down to the school to get me out is suspension or detention. Maybe even expulsion." 

"Kid, school literally just started. What the hell happened?"

"Nothing...yet. My friend told me about something the guys are planning and Its disgusting." I scoffed.

"Nat said you have every free pass in stock, and I'm with her. You'll get ice cream today."

"Thanks dad, see ya later."

"See ya kid."

I put my phone in my pocket and started walking back to class. That's also when I heard whimpering and sobs.

I rushed into the girls bathroom to see a girl in the corner with a girl tugging her hair, and unzipping his pants. I growled and round-house kicked him in the head. He passed out on the floor and I threw his jacket over him.

"Are you ok?" I asked. She took a shaky breath and nodded. "Lets go to the principals, we have proof." I told her softly. She nodded and I carefully helped her up. I walked her to the office. "Oh hello, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked. "I need to see the principal." I said. She looked at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry sweets, he's in a meeting right now with the vice principal." She said. I scoffed and charged back, ignoring the receptionist. I opened the door quickly and all eyes turned to me.   "Sir, I need to report something." I told the principal, an arm around the girls shoulders.

"And that is?" He asked, a very stern expression on his face. My friend here almost got raped by a boy in the girls bathroom." I said through clenched teeth. Everything went silent. "By whom?" He asked, shocked. 

"Don't know, but he's currently passed out in the girls bathroom." I told him. Everyone looked even more shocked. "What happened?" He asked.

 "All the guys are going around to see how many girls than can hook up with in a day. After I heard this, I made a phone call to my dad. Then, when I was walking back to class, I heard her sobbing in the bathroom and with hearing the noise I was paranoid and walked in. The guy was standing over her grabbing her hair and so I round-house kicked him."

"We have no proof, you could just be putting an act up so you can get out of school. And since there are no cameras in the bathrooms, I'm afraid to say we can do nothing." He said. Anger boiled in me. 

"Fuck this place." I growled and walked out. He tried calling after me but I kept walking. "Hey, I have to go back to class now, do you need to call somebody to take you home?" I asked. She shakily nodded and I led her outside and she called her mom. I waited with her until her mom pulled up, and I got a hug from her mom and a thank you.

"I don't need to be thanked, it's what any sane person would do for another human." I answered confidently. 

I went back inside, and by then first period was already over. 

The day went by, and I had saved ten girls from being raped, and I had to apologize over and over again about not being able to take them to the principal but thankfully they understood.

But..there was one certain asshole, I couldn't just let go with a simple kick.

"Flash, let her go." I told him in a warning voice. He had a tight grip around a girl's hand and she was desperately trying to get away. Flash froze and scoffed.

"What do you want penis?" He asked, throwing the girls hand down, and she ran away. We were now attracting the attention of other people. "Guys guys guys! Fight!" Somebody yelled. 

"I know you started this flash." I growled. He scoffed. "And I know your the reason nobody's gotten a count!" He yelled back. Relief flooded over me and I was glad. 

"Karen, text pops and tell him to drop gedeon off in front of me with shuri's controls." I whispered. "You got it boss." Karen whispered back.

"Your a sick bastard." I yelled at him. He smirked. 

"I know." 

A portal appeared in front of me, and gedeon dropped down along with an arm band. Everyone stared in shock and I heard somebody on the other side yell, and before anyone knew,

The princess of Wakanda was in the school.

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