24; ignored

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( 23:51 )
( virgin fuckboy has sent one
new message tap to view.. )

fuck lanta that's not me i swear

okay yeah it's me but i promise
i didn't mean to hurt you

lanta please

lanta i'm really sorry okay

sorry doesn't fucking cut it harry

i know but i don't know what else to say

please answer me

maybe first take responsibility for your
actions, give me a good reason for kissing
her right after kissing me and don't
blame the alcohol
or weed, and then maybe
i'll accept your apology.

i just wasn't thinking straight okay


i was drunk

not a fucking good reason.

yeah well i don't have any other
reasons, you know i like you
and besides it's not like we are
dating or anything

fuck would you stop leaving me on seen ffs

( four screenshots taken )

no what the fuck

don't take fucking screenshots and go cry to your friends cause you
don't know what to say to me

my point excatly

you know what fuck you, i'm not gonna
waste another single tear on your
because whatever we had is gone so
congrats for fucking up everything

so just like that your gonna throw everything out the fucking window

fine have it your way

( two more screenshots have been taken )
( you can no longer send messages to this user you have been blocked.. )


lol :))

happy reading
x fran

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