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((fun fact: This book starts during sammy and norman's relationship and before henry, but like everyone's still ink tho- unlike anything i've ever written- usually its before it and you watch the relationship grow, and for batim its usually during henry's arrival))

Sammy hummed to his small melody, he had been hard at work for a while now, sitting at his desk in his small sanctuary, and he was in the zone. Sammy loved to write his songs, even after the company stopped creating toons and he couldn't play the banjo anymore because his hands were made of ink... But that didn't matter! Because he could still sing! or... gurgle- But it was still a sound, and he could still make music, and play the piano... Even though that was his least favourite instrument... Sammy shook his head, clearing it of any sad thoughts and focused back on his work. For a few moment's Sammy was silent, just working, until he felt arms wrap around him, he chuckled softly as they pulled him back in his seat.
"Normie- Y'know I have to work" Sammy chuckled "I can't hang out right now"
"It's not hanging out... It would be a date" Norman said softly, the speaker he spoke out of sounding old, causing a hissing white noise over it.
"A date would be us planning a whole... thing out" Sammy chuckled leaning back and looking up at his technically boyfriend "Instead of us y'know- just kinda listening to some music or wandering through the hall's like we do"
"It's our kind of date." Norman chuckled as he sat his heavy projector head on Sammy's head.
"so you're really not gonna let me go" Sammy sighed feeling defeated, Norman could always win Sammy over, no matter how much of a case Sammy had, he ended up doing what Norman wanted "Unless I hangout with you?"
"It's a date Samuel" Norman corrected him, smugness in his voice
"sure it is" Sammy laugh, shifting in Norman's arms.
"and yes."
"fine then" Sammy sighed, defeated. Almost instantly Norman let go, and he dropped his pen and scooted off the chair with a small sigh.

"what were you working on?" Norman asked leaning over Sammy's work. Sammy jumped slightly, he knew Norman wouldn't be... pleased.... by what he was working on, but what can he say, it's something he has to do.
"Just a song for m'lord" Sammy sighed tightening his mask "Y'know... for the upcoming birthday" For a moment there was silence, then Norman let out a loud audible sigh, shifting from on foot to the other.
"But Sam. It's your upcoming birthday" Norman sighed "why don't you just write the song for yerself?"
"Cause- Everything that's mine is m'lords" Sammy stuttered, he hated saying such, it felt wrong, but he knew it was true, always has been, always will "and y'know, since I'm his pr-"
"It's fine Sam-Sam" Norman cut him off, no longer wishing to continue this conversation, he hated hearing Sammy say such, as much as Sammy hated saying it, more even, especially hearing Sammy's wavering voice as he said it "I only have one question, if everything that's yours is his, does that mean he's my boyfriend too?" That won Norman a laugh, as quiet as Norman normally was, he could be rather funny when he actually talked, and luckily for Sammy, Norman was extra loud around him, though this was the noisiest Sammy has ever seen Norman.
"Well I guess that's true!" Sammy laughed
"But-" Norman wailed dramatically "I Don't WANNA date the giant cat dripping with ink!" (( me casually making this my status on discord))
"Hey! That's m'lord ya talking about!"
"Ahem, I mean,  I don't WANNA date the Giant godly all knowing and great cat-god thing dripping with ink!"
"That's better!"

*timeskip, cus y'know timeskip* 

Sammy fiddled with the banjo in his hand, tho he couldn't strum as well as he once could, he could somewhat strum lightly without his inky fingers giving out, and he could easily pluck. He was randomly plucking note as they walked, humming along as well, once in a while saying a word or two along. Norman on the other end was oblivious to Sammy's banjo, he was just Enjoying holding Sammy in his arms, as he was walking behind him, his arms wrapped around Sammy's neck, god he loved small silent moments like these.
"do do do... love..." Sammy mumbled causing Norman to notice his playing, he was rather good, he was playing a small sweet tune, the same few notes being used in a sequence that was rather pleasing, Sammy was always good at writing songs on the go though.
"Whatcha singing there?" Norman asked interested.
"Just a song"
"For ya lord?"
"nope, for you silly!" 
"But I thought if everything you ow-"
"well I wouldn't own it, you would."
"aha loophole" They both went silent, Norman pulling Sammy ever so slightly closer to him, and Sammy went back to humming.

"... mhm... I love you, I love you, I loved you" Sammy hummed "Your the light of my life, yes you are, yes you are, yes you are..."
"God Sammy thats so..." Norman chuckled "corny" 
"It is?" Sammy mumbled "should I rewrite it?"
"No, I love how corny it is!" Norman chuckled again "it's exactly how our relationship is!"
"Our relationship is corny?" ((*stares at a can of corn* I'll never see you the same way again ))
"well if you liked that listen to this" Sammy held his banjo tighter in his hands as he began to sing to the little song he had made up "And when you ask me if I'm okay when I feel alone, I know I'll be alright, cause your light shines through me"
"Literally" Norman chuckled interrupting sammy
"Y'know, even when I mess up, and I seem to hate you for no reason, I won't leave you, because I love you I love you I love you" Sammy was now half laughing through the lyrics, feeling ever so embarrassed at his little song, Norman was right, it was so corny " Yes, Norman, I love you and your bright personality!"
"Why So many light jokes???" ((dunno why norman, Why are they're so many light jokes? ))
"I love you, I love you, I love you, Yes I do, Yes I do, Yes I do" Sammy let out a gasp as he finished strumming the banjo, then looked up at Norman nervously from behind his mask.
"That... Was amazing Sammy, once you edit and perfect it with whatever magic you use it'll be..." Norman laugh clearly in awe pulling Sammy, as if that was even possible, closer to him once again "It'll be amazing, I love you too Sammy"
"heh" Sammy chuckled nervously "sorry for all the light jokes, I just can't avoid em"
"It's alright, I love your puns" Norman chuckled then they both went quiet again... "guess you could say they were some... bright ideas."
"Now that, That was bad" Sammy chuckled, leaning back on to Norman's chest, letting a small sigh out.
"I know" Norman chuckled "but I can't help it, I'm terrible at puns"
"you don't say..." Sammy smiled, rather pleased with just walking down the hall's like this... until norman stopped walked, forcing him to do so too. He looked up and there stood one of his many offerings, he fell silent.

"sacrificed all your soup again didn't cha?" Norman mumbled, his grip loosening on Sammy.
"I always do." Sammy sighed "Everything thats-"
"what's yours is his" Norman interrupted "I know, I just... you need to eat too Sam-Sam"
"I know..." Sammy mumbled as he felt Norman's grip loosening once again, he wanted Norman to just forget about it, for him to tighten his hug around Sammy once again, and yet, no, instead he let go completely, taking a step away from him with a small sigh.
"N-Normy?" Sammy mumbled, He felt guilty, he knew he should of been taking better care of himself, but his lord was more Important, wasn't he? Norman was silent, he didn't know whether to be upset with Sammy, considering he's been torturing himself, or whether he should be disgusted by the ink demon, as it was his weird antics that was making Sammy believe such things.
"maybe you should go back to work..." Norman finally sighed.
"N-no wait, I wanna stay with you" Sammy murmured "please..."
"Sorry Sammy, I need some time alone to think" Norman sighed turning around and heading down the hall "I'll talk with you later"

((so this was stupid xD, i forgot all about this book ngl, but when i found it, my first reaction was: YESS I GET TO WRITE FLOOF, so ya know, take the floof and the pinch of angst that was this chapter))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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Insane, Crazy, Unbearable, yet I love you )(NormanxSammy)(Where stories live. Discover now