Chapter 4: Cheats Never Prosper!

En başından başla

Metal Sonic: I want to race too, and you'll help me with the items.

Jessie: Well, okay.

After the Team Grand Prix

Gary: What's Metal Sonic doing here?

Gladion: Who's Metal Sonic?

Pikachu: He's a robotic copy of Sonic.

Iris: Things have gotten more dangerous than that time he copied our data in Team Egg Rocket's Grand Prix.

Big: I don't like that mean robot.

Sonic: He's just a fancy tin can. No need to worry, Big.

Big: I'm even more worried now.

Clemont: He's more dangerous than a tin can.

Max: I say he races like a tin can. Let's do another Survival Race.

Haunted Castle (Survival Race)

Ash: You seem down, Silver.

Silver: Huh? It's nothing.

Sonic: Thinking about how badly we're gonna beat you in the Survival Race?

Silver: It was something else.

Zoey: We'll try our best, Silver.

Silver: Right, Zoey! Do you ever get one of those feelings like...

Pikachu: Getting your car fed to you by us? No way!

Ash: Now I'm getting hungry.

Silver: You haven't changed a bit, Ash.

Sonic: Let's focus on the race!

3, 2, 1, Go!

Team Dark, Team Sonic, Team Vector, and Team Egg Rocket raced each other for the finish line.

Gladion: Item Box!

Rouge, Glameow, and Gladion grabbed the Item Box.

Gladion: Rocket.

Gladion threw Rocket at Jessie and Metal Sonic.

Jessie: Not fair!

Metal Sonic: Team Ultimate charged up!

Team Egg Rocket used their Team Ultimate.

Lap 2

Meowth: Nuts! Me and my Egg Pawn are eliminated!

Drew: Same with me, Alakazam, and Vector.

Clemont: Also me and Tails!

Glameow: I smell another Item Box.

Rouge, Glameow, and Gladion grabbed the Item Box.

Glameow: Burst.

Gladion used Burst to make a fire trail.

Sonic: Ow! Burning!

Final Lap

Zoey: Me and Silver are eliminated!

Iris: Same with me and Knuckles.

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