Part 1🥺💗

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Today was a day like everyday Y/n thought while she was walking to school. Another day of getting bullied for no reason. Like every other teenager her age she wants to be a hero.

When she arrived in class she walked to her table next to her only friend Izuku. But then Bakugou arrived and went to Izuku and Y/n.
„Ha stupid quirkless fuckers!!🤬🤬 why are people like you even existing🙄", Y/n „stop bakuhoe!!😤😤 don't me so rude!! That's really mean🥺🥺", bakuhoe „you want me to stop🥺 aww never😈😈😈 dumb bitch"
Then the teacher came and bakuhoe went to his seat.
Teacher „soo you are all third years now that means that the time has come to think about your future. So I'm gonna pass you the handouts for your future plans, but I guess everyone here wants to be a hero right?" everyone started cheering except bakuhoe, Y/n and Deku.
Teacher „ haha yes you all have some awesome quirks but using that at school is not allowed!"
Bakuhoe „oi teach don't put me with this bunch of losers🙄"
Teacher „ oh you wanted to go to UA right?"
Bakuhoe „yes that's right and I'm the only one at this stupid school who could get into UA!!🙄"
Teacher „oh, Midoriya, L/n you wanted to go to U.A. too?"
All the students started laughing and started to talk bad. Student „ha you can't get in there you two are quirkless!!🤣🤣🤣" that was the Point were Y/n got mad, really mad. Y/n „who said I was quirkless huh🙄 only because i never showed you my quirk doesn't mean I am" student „ than you us your quirk, I bet you're lying🤣🤣" Y/n „ as you wish😈😈" and than Y/n transformed into her fairy mode and everyone gasped and was shocked😳

After school
Bakuhoe's thoughts
Omagodjdjjd Y/n is such a baddie and cutie at the same time I really wanna fuck her😫 I schould ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend and then we gonna fuck and- wait what am I thinking 😰😰 but anyways I'm gonna ask her😈😈
Bakuhoe walked to Y/n who was packing her stuff. Bakuhoe „ uhm Y-Y/n d-do you wanna be my g-gir-lfriend??🥺🥺🥺your Transformation was really cool you looked super cool🥺👉👈" y/n „r-r-really😳 I mean I would love too🥺🥺💗💗😍😍" bakuhoe „ do you want to go on a date with me baby🥺💗" y/n „sure babe let's meet in an hour at the park" they said goodbye to each other

Bnha||Bakugo x halfvampierwerewolfmermaid ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat