I fell in love with it the second I saw it; it was a small two-bedroom house. Red bricks and a black door, a fenced-in yard out back, one that was big enough for Eva to run around and play in. It was everything I wanted. It was perfect for us.

Harry seemed hesitant, though, but I'm not so sure why. I just hope he falls in love with it when we finally see it in person.

"Alright, let's get you into your car seat, munchkin." I mumble, leaning down to pick Eva up as we near the car.

She giggles as I tickle her side when I place her in the car seat, her feet swinging as they dangle over the edge. Her eyes follow my movement as I buckle her in. When I'm finished, I stand straight again, moving to place her bag on the floor of the car.

"Want my toy, momma." She says, holding her hands out for the elephant stuffy she chose to bring today.

Reaching down, I grabbed the blue elephant and handed it to her, her face broke out into a grin as she held the stuffed animal to her chest, her arms wrapped around it tightly.

"Thank you, momma." She whispers, her head falling to rest on the side of her car seat.

"You're so very welcome, baby." I said, kissing her temple before I shut the door.

I moved to the passenger door and pulled it open, climbing into the seat as Harry got into the driver's seat. He shot me a smile as we both put on our seatbelts, his right-hand landing on the headrest of my seat as he put the car in reverse and began backing out of the driveway. I couldn't help but stare at him, the way his jaw clenched and the way his brows furrowed, the way the veins in his neck became exposed when he strained to see behind the car.

God, I'm so fucking lucky.

His eyes darted down before he turned around, his tongue stuck out and he crossed his eyes and then I heard Eva let out a loud cackle—she squealed and I felt her tiny kicks at the back of my seat.

When Harry turned back around, his face was set in a smile, one that took over his entire face. His cheeks were lifted and his lips were tugged up, his eyes sparkling as the sun peers through the windshield. He puts the car in drive and his right hand lands on my thigh, squeezing lightly as he drives down the street. I place my hand on top of his, and my fingers fiddle with his rings.

Just like every time.

"Are you excited?" I ask timidly, glancing over at him.

His lips pursed as he pauses, "Mhm," he mutters, stealing a quick glance at me before facing forward again, "I just don't want to settle on the first one we look at s'all." He admits, chewing on his bottom lip.

I nod my head a bit, feeling my stomach drop at his words. He must really not like this house then.


"Hi, I'm Leilani. I'm going to be showing you around the house today," the woman says, her eyes moving between Harry and me, "if you have questions as we go through, feel free to ask." She adds, a smile falling onto her red-painted lips.

Harry and I both nod, our hands intertwined together as we walk behind her. Eva shifts on my hip, her head resting on my shoulder as her breathing evens out.

She had fallen asleep in the car on the way here. Only a few minutes into any car ride and she's out like a light.

My eyes glanced up at the house. It was even more beautiful in person. I could envision it now, Harry and I making a life here, in between these walls. I could see us on the weekends, out in the front yard with Eva, watching the sunset during the evenings.

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