"Yes I am mom, yes I am." I honestly say.

"Jessica, you do realize this is a huge decision. You're changing your lifestyle and everything, don't you wanna wait a little?" She suggests.

"Wait a little, like I did two years ago. Mom, I'm doing this and this is my final decision." I say, angry.

I'm not a little kid anymore for god's sake.

"You know you can always, and I mean it, always come back if you face any trouble." She offers.

"Yes mom, I will." I roll my eyes. I'm an adult and I can save myself from my own troubles.

"You won't understand this now, but eventually you will. You're gonna need your father and I someday, you won't realize it." She says.

"Mom, I'm going to be fine. It's not like I'm going to World War III." I try to calm her down.

"Did you start packing?" She asks, ignoring what I said.

"No, but I will tonight." I ensure her.

"I wanted to give you this," She says, handing me a bracelet. "I got it from my uncle, who I thought was my father, a week before he dies. It still reminds me of all the good stuff he's done to me, and how he raised me as if I were actually his daughter."

It was a silver one, it was very simple. It had this silver bead in the shape of a D.

"Why?" I ask, knitting my eyebrows.

"I want you to remember all the good I've, I mean your dad and I, done to you." She smiles.

I wear it and kiss her forehead.

"Ladies, you done speaking?" Dad gets in, making me think he was eavesdropping. "Cause I'm a little hungry."

"Dad, it's only 5." I state.

"So? We're adults, nobody gives two shits." He laughs.

I just shake my head.

"I've always dreamed of these days, where it's only you and your significant other, and both of you are old, sitting and talking about your old days is what you do all day." Dad shows us a part of his thoughts.

"You're not that old, dad, you still have time." I say. "You're only middle-age."

"My little girl doesn't need me anymore, doesn't that make me older?" He says.

Mom is just at the back, watching how childish we are. Her phone rings, she looks at the caller ID and frowns.

"I have got to go." She clears her throat and goes outside the room.

"Who do you think that is?" Dad asks me.

How on earth would I know?

"I don't know, she's been weird recently." I shrug.

"Let's hope everything's fine." He says. "You know, I'm gonna miss you."

"I won't." I say, sticking out my tongue.

"Oh hell yes you will." He laughs and starts to tickle me.

I feel like a child.


I've been waiting for Christian to reply for forever. I've checked time zones more than 5 times and it's only 4 PM in New York. Maybe he has a meeting and forgot to tell me? I'm worried.

"Jessica, he'll answer eventually, calm down." Mom says, handing me a cup of coffee.

"What if something happened to him?" I ask, worried.

"Stop being so pessimistic." Dad states, trying to calm me down. "I'm pretty sure he's fine."

"I hope so." I say. "I'm going up to my room, I'm too tired."

"Good night honey." Mom smiles at me.

I go and hug her.

Oh tomorrow's going to be a long day. Three tests and a farewell party for the French teacher, may god help me. I still have the Jesus tattoo, I'm not planning on removing it anytime soon.

I'm tired yes, but I really wanna smoke, it releases the stress. Mom keeps on complaining that smoking in my room makes it smell like shit but I couldn't care less. It's the best place to smoke without being disturbed.

My phone buzzes, it's a text from Christian.

Chris ❤️‍ :

Sorry boo, was at a meeting.

Thank goodness he's alive. I text him that it's fine and that I'm going to sleep.

We all know you won't be sleeping before 1 AM.

Thanks sub conscience for reminding me, you really didn't have to. Remember how I used to think a lot, yeah, I still do that. I can't believe I'm done with this school in three days, finally. I really hope I find a job in New York as fast as I can, I won't accept being part of the working population and not actually work.

Being young isn't all flowers, you know?


Hello there amazing readers! It's been a while you know? So yeah, this is the third book of the Lost Girl Series. The books are related, yet you can still start with this one. The points of views change from generation to another, get it? So yeah, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

Love you all xx,

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