Excursion III

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Nayeon's POV

''It was you, right?'' Nayeon asked Sana once they were far enough away from Mina and Y/n

''What are you talking about?'' Sana looked at her with an innocent smile, tilting her head a little

''Don't pretend with me, it's not like I don't know you'' Nayeon scoffed

Sana didn't answer, she just kept walking with an unflappable smile on her face.

''Why did you kill them?'' Nayeon asked not giving up

''They tried to kill me first...'' Even tho it didn't fade, Sana's smile turned gloomy.

''So? You could have just run away, erase their memory or something, massacre a hole village isn't your style'' Nayeon said, wanting to know the reason why sana killed and burned a village, she knows that it's not how she acts.

''Why did you kill the first one?'' Sana asked out of nowhere stopping walking whitout turning back.

''Huh?'' Nayeon was confused

''Power, pleasure need? Whatever the reason, you must have had your reasons'' Sana made a short pause and then continued talking ''I had mine's, so hurry up'' She said taking Nayeon from her hand and forcing to run with her

Omniscent POV

Mina and Y/n were walking uncomfortably since the two were not talking, Y/n was still confused by Sana's attitude with the man, and the man acted as if he knew Sana, meanwhile Mina didn't know how to start a conversation with Y/n.

''Look, that's the library'' Mina spoke once they were about 10 meters from the library '' Shall we go in?'' Y/n just nodded his head.

Once they were inside the library Mina began to speak ''Despite the fact that the fire occurred near here, for some reason it is the least burned building, it is lucky for the books, they are still in good condition, look at this one for example...'' Y/n didn't listen anymore because she walked alone through the corridors looking at books, meeting classics of literature such as Hamlet and the Divine Comedy.

At the end of the last corridor she came across a section called Tales of the Night, which had three big books titled Vampires, Werewolves, and the last one was Hunters. The book that had the title vampires was a burnt gold color, and had a lock in the shape of a half moon in the central part, the werewolf was bronze with a similar lock, but in the shape of a full moon., and lastly, the Hunters book was silver, but its lock was in the shape of an eclipse.

She took the book that said Vampires, realizing that it was heavier than it looked, so she had to hold it with both hands.

''What are you doing?'' Y/n turned, seeing Mina look at her curiously.

''Can't I take it?''  Y/n asked still struggling with the weight of the book

''I don't see why not, what book are you going to take?'' Mina asked curiously

''It says 'Vampires'' Y/n he said proudly as he slightly raised the book to show it to Mina

''You can't take that one'' Mina immediately she said once she saw what kind of book it was.

''Why? It's for my project'' Y/n did not understand Mina's sudden change

''Just no, give me that book'' Mina tried to snatch the book from Y/n, but she was quicker and put it behind her back

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