Excursion II

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Omniscent POV

Tzuyu's car is most like a limosine, it's just a little bit shorter than one, it has 4 brown leather seats, in the back seat were Y/n and Sana were holding hands while talking excitly about some cute animals, on each side seat were Mina and Nayeon, who were glaring at the girls in the back seat, and finally, in the front seat was Tzuyu, as always keeping her distance from everyone, but being close enough to observe.

The car stopped, silently announcing that they had already reached their destination, Tzuyu was the first one to go out of the car, followed by Sana and Y / n who were still holding hands to the annoyance of the last two girls who get out of the car.

Right after everyone got out of the car, Miss IU called them ''If you had arrived a minute later you would be failing in my class'' After giving them an annoyed look, he turned to the other students who were grouped together '' Well, I assume you all have a cell phone, so go ahead, go around the place, take photos and you are allowed to enter the village library, DO NOT wander around. '' Miss IU stopped talking for a moment and looked at her wristwatch ''it's 9 am come back here at 2 p.m. if you are not here at 2 o'clock...''

"We fail in your subject, we get it..." Tzuyu cut her off before she could finish her warning.

Miss IU glared at her "Good luck class" She said finally indicating the beginning of the group activity.

As each group walked in different directions for their investigation, Y/n stood in the middle of what would be the main avenue, she was looking curious and surprised at the constructions.

''Quite disturbing, isn't Vega?'' Sana approched Y/n giving her a back hug and whispering in her left ear.

''W-why everything is burned?'' This time Y/n don't stuttered because of Sana, it was because of the view. The houses, which have a Victorian-style design, are mostly painted a black color, immediately warning that a fire had taken place there.

''The Dark Village fire, 1946'' Tzuyu spoke, she has her back layed on the door of her car.

''What caused it?'' Y/n asked turning to see Tzuyu

''The people wanted to burn a supposed vampire, but instead they started a fire that killed everyone in the Village'' Sana said with a little smile looking around, if Y/n did not knew Sana, she would say that she was happy about it.

''Is it like a ghost village?'' Y/n asked again

''No, some people still live here, at the less burned houses'' Mina spoke looking around

''Exactly, and it is a good place to start our investigation'' Sana said in an excited voice tone.

''Do you want to do an interview?'' Nayeon asked confused

''I don't want to go to a stinky burnt place'' Tzuyu stated

''It could be dangerous, people in the village tend to be hostile'' Mina warned

But Sana couldn't care less, she just took Y/n with her and start walking, Sana was giving little hops while humming an unintelligible song. So Nayeon and Mina followed them because they knew they can't let Sana alone with Y/n in a almost burned village and Tzuyu decided that because of Sana's attitude, this day was going to be interesting.

After walking for a few minutes around houses that were less and less burned, they finally reached the last house, it was right in front of the beginning of the forest, it had only a quarter of its structure damaged.

When they were in front of the house, Sana let go of Y/n's hand and stood right in front of the door, she gave little knock knock's on the door, and she waited while she was balancing on her two feet happily.

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