Chapter 1:

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Ben third person pov

Ben felt the wind rushing on his face, it was the strongest he'd ever felt it and that caused him to open his eyes, big mistake.

As he opened his eyes he saw that he was falling hundreds upon hundreds of feet in the air, and he saw that he wasn't going to 'land' on the ground.

When he looked down he saw a massive Ocean underneath him, he also noticed that said ocean was approaching fast so he did the first thing that popped into his mind, He transformed.

He didn't really bother to select the alien he wanted as he was in a semi crazed state at the moment, he slammed the dial down and after the light died down he shouted "ripjaws! Oh yeah! Good one omnitrix!" And then he dived head first to the water.

As soon as he entered the water the first thing he was looking for was the marine life, in his many travel he learned that no matter how things may seem on the planet at first, you can always get a better judge of it by examining the life forms that inhabit the planet, and in this case the ocean.

He swam around for maybe one minute before his eyes spotted a pod of dolphins, his eyes widen as realization took him and he said "Dolphins? I must still be on earth somewhere ..." Then he heard a voice saying in his head "yes that seems to be the case Tennyson, on the Atlantic near the Bermuda triangle."

This made him jump, not because of the Sudanese of the voice, but because he recognized it "Azmuth?" The alien hero asked.

"Not quite, I am Azmuth 2.0, an a.i created by first thinker Azmuth in case any and all connection to primus has bean lost." The a.i said which confused ben even more.

Eventually he asked "what do you mean connection to primus lost? Azmuth what is going on?"

The a.i was quiet for a few seconds and after that he said "Initial scans indicate that dimensional frequency is off, meaning this is not your earth, and quite possibly not your multiverse all together, any idea how that might have happened?"

Ben in ripjaws form had a sheepish look on his face, if that was even possible, and said "well about that..." He the preceded to give the a.i the whole story on how he got to be where he is, when he finished the a.i was quiet, The only thing disturbing the silence is the sound of water currents around them.

"so you are one of the Sonorosian clones and stranded here in this dimension is that what your saying?" ben nodded but then added "but since I have you here you could help me find a way back to the original and combine with him right?" the A.I shook its head saying "I'm afraid it's not that simple, this may take a while to find a way out of this dimension and by the time we will find a way it will be too late." ben asked "how come?" the hologram answered "finding the right dimension could take at the very least two years, and second of all do you know how Sonorosian Reproduce?" ben shook his head saying "All I know that they are some sort of living sound waves in a containment suit.. right?" the a.i nodded again saying "true but they are so much more when a Sonorosian goes a while being split from one of his clones their brain waves go out of sync and the clone becomes an Independent being." ben asked "and how long does that takes?" the A.I answered "About a month in earth time." ben asked again "and does that affect the original in any way?" the A.I shook his head saying "non what so ever" ben then sighed with relief "that is good to hear." he paused for a bit before asking again?" and what will happen to me? you know what happened the last time I did this."

Azmuth scratched his chin while he answered "After the last time you split yourself I made some modifications to the omnitrix so you won't experience some of the side effects that you had last time, and I must say you seem to be taking this news rather well." ben nodded saying "why not? he's alive and I'm alive, it will take me some time to adjust but who knows what the future holds for me here." he then looked around.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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