A meeting of two people

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The Collins' siblings sat down in the living room. twenty-four year old Adam Collins, the eldest of the three, was unusually quiet. He was too busy glancing between his novel and his mother who was at the front door talking to another suitor for Effie, the second born. Thankfully the Collins' were wealthy, their rather massive plantation grew various fruits, vegetables and livestock. Arthur Collins, the owner of the plantation, thought it prudent that he made deals with neighbouring vineyards for the fruits his fields and trees bore.

This decision brought in a decent yearly income for the Collins' family. The only 'problem' with the Collins' family was that they were profound pacifists. This proved to be rather difficult for business for the last few years as they were in the midst of a war, the 'American revolution' as most patriots were calling it. Their only aim being to overthrow the British forces in America, seek independence and no longer service the King.

Effie scrunched her brow when she heard a disgusted male voice and then the door shutting. "Ah, I believe that's your queue to leave dear sister" Adam smirked as their mother stormed into the room.

"Euphemia Merdeth Collins!" Her mother, Agatha, screeched.

Effie, who was only twenty, looked up at her mother with a small smile playing on her lips "Yes dearest mother?" She calmly spoke, causing the youngest of the siblings, Charlotte aged only eighteen to cover her mouth with the back of her hand.

"That is your last warning! another episode like that and you're out of this house!" Agatha shouted before throwing her arms up in the air and flouncing out of the room.

"What was wrong with that one?" Charlotte giggled as she picked her embroidery up from the table, carefully threading the needle with a lilac coloured thread "Was his nose too big? or did his breath smell like fish again?" She excitedly asked.

"No, he was absolutely dreadful and his voice! horrible!" Effie groaned before sinking back into her armchair, her back hurting from keeping it straight. She couldn't be further from society's standard of a 'suitable' woman. Not that she wasn't pretty, she was with her long blonde hair, blue eyes and oval face. It was because she rarely wore dresses made from silk as she was always either in the stables or tending to the front gardens. Of course her mother didn't approve but she had learned that her opinion didn't matter. On the other hand, her father, Arthur had actually taken an interest in what Effie wanted from her life. He had taught her to draw when she was just five and as time passed she obviously got better and better "Mother acts as though I'm a cow too old for auction!"

"Mooooo" Adam smirked before resuming his reading, finally flicking to the next page "Marriage isn't that hard, balancing the books is far harder"

"Why don't you marry then?" Effie sighed before taking a long needed deep breath.

"I am waiting for the right woman" he muttered before closing his book and placing it on the table next to him "Anyways, I'm allowed to wait, unlike you two"

"must I marry soon?" Charlotte mumbled and continued with her embroidery. Now in Effie's opinion, her sister was by far the most beautiful of the family, she was prim, proper and never spoke out of turn. That didn't mean that she loved her any less "even though I'm only eighteen?"

"No man will ever hurt either of my sisters" Adam spoke before pulling on his coat "especially you Lottie" He winked over at his sister, only for her to innocently smile and stare down at the tulips she had just stitched.

Thanks Adam, truly appreciated" Effie mumbled and picked up her tea cup "I'll not marry until I find the right person"

"Well sometimes we can't have what we wish for I'm afraid sister" Adam groaned before stretching out "I'm going to find father, he probably needs help with the books again"

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