"You have a zip line!" I asked.

"For emergencies only." He said.

"Pffff boring." I said. I picked tortoise up and stuck one of my legs through the loop.

"Hold on here." Brenda pointed to where she wanted me to hold on.

"I cant." I said.

"Yes you can just do it." She said

"No Brenda. I can't. If you didn't see earlier I'm missing a hand and can't hold on." I said and lifted my bandages arm up

She and Jorge looked at my stump and blinked a few times.

"Just wrap your elbow around here." Jorge said finally snapping back into the moment.

I did that and went flying through the open air. I wish it could have lasted longer. It felt kinda nice. Tortoise gave a few barks of joy and I laughed with him.

A few others came behind me but Brenda and Thomas didn't come.

"BRENDA!" Jorge called as an explosion went off

"Holy shit!" I said and ducked.

"It's fine. She's fine. She'll keep Thomas safe and meet us at Marcus's" he said and walked passed us.

Who's Marcus?


Marcus was a prick that's who he was. We found Brenda and Thomas passed out at a party. Apparently they had been drugged.

Jorge was interrogating Marcus trying to find out where the right arm was.

I decided that I liked both Brenda and Jorge and they could be trusted.

I sat down on the floor in a corner and started thinking. Tortoise was in between my legs facing me with his head on my chest.

I started thinking about Harriet and Sonya.

God I missed them.

I thought about all the things we did in the glen.

I thought about When Harriet tripped because I tied her shoelaces together when she wasn't looking. You better believe I was running for my life after that.

When Sonya and I climbed up a tree and watched the sun rise in the morning. That was the only exception I made to mornings. She made them worth it.

Or When Sonya tripped and spilled her food all over her. I saw her and tried not to laugh in case she would be offended but she bursted out laughing and so did I.

I remember when Sonya and I sang with each other durning the bonfire. How nice that sounded. I had those songs playing over and over in my head ever since then.

I felt tears slip down my cheeks. I was always fine until I thought about it so I tried my best not to but now that I had the tears just kept coming. I was quiet so no one noticed luckily.

God if Sonya was here I would kiss her.

Did I actually just think that?

It's true though. I probably would. Or at least I would want to.

I wiped my tears and sniffled a little bit.

Maybe I was just making everything up. Maybe they were all dead and I was just holding on to the fact that they could be alive so that it wouldn't hurt so bad. More tears came.

I felt someone sit next to me.

"You ok?" It was aris.

I shook my head. I was really not ok.

"Want to talk about it?"

I thought about it for a minute before deciding that I didn't want to talk about it. But I wanted to hear about my friends.

"What were they like when I was gone?" I asked my voice cracking.

"Who?" He asked.

"Harriet. A-and Sonya."

"When I first came they were sitting next to the wall. And Sonya was.. she was shaking. I-I think it was because they had just found Amy's body and she knew that it was you who had hidden her. Also I... I think they," he sighed "I think they thought maybe the same thing had happened to you. Sonya didn't really work. She... she just layed down in the grass a lot. But Harriet worked. She worked to much. She put a lot of effort into it. I think it was to stop thinking about you. Neither of them ever really ate. Maybe a bit but never as much as they really needed." He said.

It hurt to hear that. To know they were hurting because of me. I shouldn't have followed that stupid device. I shouldn't have looked at that stupid dead griever. I should have stayed with them.

"They really loved you." He said.

That was the last straw. I started to tremble and my sobs were no longer quiet.

Aris rubbed my back as I put my face in my hand. I realized that everyone was watching me.

"Sorry." I whispered "I'm sorry."

"It's ok." Someone said and I wiped my tears with my stub and my other fully functional hand. Tortoise gave me a lick and I gave him an affectionate pet.

Then I stood up and Jorge patted me on the back.

"Let's go find them." He said and guided me outside.

A feeling in my gut told me not to get my hopes a up but I couldn't help it. He sounded so sure.

We hopped in a car and began driving.

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