Chapter 5

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MOLLY looked like she was trying to come up with ideas for questions to ask. I mean it's not easy to come with some questions if you never interview someone or question them in a professional manner.

I can tell she thought long and hard. It's almost like a light bulb on her head sparking to get a bright idea. Soon enough that light bulb will light up with something amazing.

"Why do you want to work here" she finally asked

A lump in my throat formed. I gulped. I didn't know what to say, like what am I supposed to do?! I have no exact reason except surviving and money. I didn't want to die young, especially somewhere far from home.

"W-Well." I stuttered. "I just wanted a new experience, and to meet new people. Besides, I have worked in retail before." I responded. That sick feeling is really getting to me, huh?

"Oh, okay! So where have you worked before?" She questioned me.

"I used to work at Laia Locks, a retail store. Pretty much a store with trending clothings, merchandise, toys, all that jazz." I answered.

She looked confused. I don't think she knows what Laia Locks is for that matter of fact. She just nodded. I guess she understood little.

"Where do you live?" She looked at me with curiosity.

I didn't know what to say. I have no clue if she would believe me, if I told her. I don't think there is such a place called Stanford here in this world... This odd world. I gulped.

"I live in a pretty big town called Stanford, in Maryland." I chuckled out of being nervous.

"Maryland? I never heard anyone here from Maryland." Molly's eyes seemed to light up, sparkling.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged.

"Wow I never noticed your eyes. They're pretty!" She looked in awe. "Your eye color looks like it could be part of the deep end of the ocean."

"Really? My eyes are boring, it's just a deep blue. I never liked my eye color." I looked at her.

She frowned. Did I say something wrong?

"What is your name? I never got your name earlier."

I looked at her.

"My name is Alex Jack Carter, but please just call me Alex Carter. I hate my middle name."

She shrugged and chuckled.

After talking about ourselves and laughing our asses off. I guess I could tell she was happy to finally talk to someone. I mean the same with me. I learned a lot about her.

She is a 12 year old girl. Her mother died two years ago. Her family hasn't been the same since her mother died. She noticed that no one was taking care of the toy store, so she took the responsibility of being in charge. She thought it would be only for a while... it has been two years.

I hated people going through something like that, especially for her age. She doesn't need to pay the taxes, doesn't need to experience the sorrow and pain of being an adult. This kid has grown up too fast. She had to grow up fast. It pained me to see this kid needing to grow up so quickly. She has to do everything on her own.

I guess she saw the sorrow and concern in my eyes, and looked at me and gave me a weak smile. The silence was comfortable. I could hear the birds singing and chirping from outside. The sun shined through the windows of the store. It was nice, peaceful.

Molly took out a plastic tea pot.

"Will you like some tea?"

"Yeah, I love tea."

I thought we're going play pretend tea party, but... The tea pot actually had tea. The fact that the tea was good bothered me.

"I really thought we're doing a pretend tea party or  something..."  I laughed nervously.

"I don't play pretend, Alex." She said seriously

I gulped. I don't want to know what kind of game this girl plays, but I hope it doesn't mean killing anyone.

We both drank our tea in silence, again. It was nice. But like all things it had to end with a soft jiggle. The door opened. The person walked inside and looked at Molly.


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