Chapter 4

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Those words kept repeating in my head. "Sure". I couldn't believe it! I might be able to survive with a stable job? I'm not sure. But it didn't matter!

I did a little funny victory dance. Man, I haven't felt this happy until I got my crush to go out with me. I know it's cliché, but hell I guess there is a god!

Molly giggled. She looked at me.

"So . . . I'm going to have to ask my dad.." She sighed

I swore I saw the cold hatred in her eyes just saying that. I knew something was up, either she hated her father or her father hated her. I don't know but she seemed ticked off, to say the least.

I shrugged it off. I don't want to argue or force people to tell me what they're going through or feeling. I just wait until they feel ready. I stood there awkwardly.

She looked down and got off her stool into a room that looked like it had a hallway. I waited patiently. Did I hear some slight shouting? It sent chills up my spine. I thought something was going on. I knew something was up, but I was afraid to move.

I mean I kept hearing more noises of people arguing. I hated arguments. It makes me uncomfortable every time it happens.

IT HAS BEEN A FEW MINUTES. I can hear some footsteps coming in my direction. I was slightly even more uncomfortable. The two figures Molly and Assuming her father.

I find out that his name is Martin. He has blonde hair and a beard that had stars on them. Pretty interesting. Just like his daughter, Molly.

I can see Molly didn't want her father to do with any of this, but she had no choice. She's lost and stuck in her father's hands. She looked like she was just going to leave the store right there and then.

Her eyes were dull, no color seemed to be there. Almost everything around her is breaking into pieces . . .  I am not sure what this man has done to this child, but he is going to serve his time sooner or later. I will make sure of it.

"Heya kiddo!" Martin's voice interrupted my thoughts.

He seems like a goofy guy. I mean my dad is goofy as well. I got a lot of my jokes from him.

Martin ruffled my light chocolate brown hair. I didn't like people messing with my hair, so I was pretty annoyed.

"So you want to work here?" He questioned me.

"Yessir!" I looked at him with excitement, hoping for something.

A job.

"Well since my duty as an adult is over in 10s, I will let Molly handle it!" He walked out of the store without explaining anything to us, especially Molly.

"But- But- I don't know what to do?!" She panicked .

Molly sighed.

"I'm sorry for this mess." She apologized. She looked like her world turned upside down for her. Like everything in those eyes told a story, a story I couldn't exactly grasp onto.

"It's fine. Your dad seems real... Off his head." I gave her a nervous look.

"I know he... He doesn't help me a ton." She looked down, sighing again.

It's funny how I'm so concern over someone I barely know. I want to keep this kid safe from her father because it seems like he just doesn't treat her right and just leaves everything up to her. Putting so much pressure on her.

"Follow me." She motioned me to follow her.

I just nodded. We walk to a small table. I like to call it the kid's table. I sat on one of the plastic chairs. I was too tall and big for the chair so it was a little uncomfortable, but I can deal with it.

Molly sat just fine on the chair. It perfectly matches her. Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to be small again. Always having to look up for things you want or talk to.

". . . I have never interviewed someone before" Molly confessed. She looked nervous.

"Nah don't worry about it we can just come with some ideas!" I suggested.

Her dull green eyes became brighter and glowed.


"Yeah! Why the hell not?" I shrugged and grinned.

She smiled. I think this one was genuine. Last time I couldn't tell if it was fake or not.

"Alright let's start. Shall we?"

Far From Home (Epithet Erased Fan Fiction) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora