Chapter 6

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WHO the hell is Giovanni? Is he like her brother? Friend? I'm so confused. I wanted answers badly. Man, I hated not knowing stuff, especially people. It makes me feel left out and awkward.

I feel... Scared ya know? This world has already scared me, it spooked me. Now all my friends are gone, replaced with a new world. I have to stay brave though. Hazel, I will be brave for you. No matter how scary this is.

I sighed.

"Hey, Molly!" The pink hair dude ruffled Molly's hair.

Molly just smiled at him.

"Hey, Giovanni. Wassup?" Molly asked Giovanni.

Giovanni, huh. What a cool name. Everyone had something interesting to them. Pink hair stars in your hair. I'm just a boring-looking kid. I have light brown hair, blue eyes, and a Lil Darkie hoodie. I felt out of place, distant.

"I'm good. Car crash just crashed his car yesterday... Again" Giovanni muttered

"Isn't this the fifth time this month?" Molly chuckled

"Yeah! It is! I swear I don't understand how he can fix his car then crash after the next day!" Giovanni complained.

I couldn't help but grin. I didn't know what he was talking about or who, but jeez they must be a horrible driver.

"I have a license." I blurted.

Giovanni looked at me. Oh no. I made myself a fool...

"Really?!" Giovanni beamed.

"Yeah." I rubbed the back of my neck,

"Finally! I don't have to sneak you to the DMV." He looked at Molly.

Molly looked relieved that she didn't need to sneak into the DMV. I wondered why he can just drive on his own. Maybe he is just as horrible as the guy they mentioned.

"Hey, so . . . what's your name?" Giovanni asked.

"Oh, my name is Alex Carter," I mumbled.

"Alex Carter? Sounds like a rich person's name." Giovanni snorted.

"You must be Giovanni?" I remarked.

"Yes! The great Giovanni Potage!" Giovanni chanted

"Wait . . . How did you," he paused "nevermind forget what I was going to ask." He frowned

I shrugged. "Alright."


We all talked. I didn't know if I got the job, but it was getting quite dark. I still don't have a home or place to stay really. I want to ask them if I could stay at their place, but I just couldn't. I didn't want to be a burden to people who I just met. It just doesn't feel right. It never felt right anyway. I knew it.

I feel empty and sick. I keep having this same sick feeling, why? Why does this make me feel like I'm going to die? Is this a warning? Is this something I should be concerned about? What is my body telling me? So many questions that are not answered. This feels like a dream, it's a blessing but a curse in so many ways.

I can't believe I'm here in the first place. I'm only 16 years old, and I already feel like death is knocking on my door, silently waiting. I don't know why. Hopefully, I will find out soon.

"I'm kinda tired, and it's getting late." I yawned.

"Yeah, same with me. But I have to do the night shift..." She yawned

"Molly, what did I tell you?" Giovanni looked at her.

"No! I will not do the night shift and I will instead sleep!" She slammed her hand on the table.

I let out a chuckle. I couldn't help but smile. This girl had been through a lot, she deserves that sleep more than me. I respect her honesty. She was someone I wished I was when I was younger. I wished I could be as hard-working and so tolerant towards people who despise her or who were just shitty, especially her awful father. I will probably snap soon enough if I was her. I wonder what will happen to her if she does.

I shook my thoughts about her breaking and raging soon. I didn't like the idea. I didn't like how ugly it would be. I can hear her screaming at her father to go to hell and never to see her again. I can hear everything. I can feel it too. I felt pain. So much emotion was around. I can just feel it. I hated it.

I tried to clear myself from my thoughts. I guess it worked.

"Hey, Alex, do you know where you're going to live?" Molly asked.

I shook my head. I leaned onto the chair, looking up to the ceiling.

"I will find a place." I protested.

"You sure?"


"I will be fine."

"Okay if you say so."


I was lying to myself. I'm just wandering around. No money and no place to live. I always lied about a lot of things, especially to myself. I lied so easily it makes me and the people around me scared. Sometimes I will give into my lies. This is one of them. This time I believed it.

I believe that Hazel will be down the street, waiting for me. Waiting to give me all the hugs and kisses in the world. Bon Bon will be sitting on the ground teasing me about my and Hazel's relationship and how much of a tomato I looked. Boris and I will be playing basketball on the empty road. Playing some stupid games that we came up with or playing video games at my house.

Going to the mall and making a fool of ourselves. Putting soft whip cream on the tip of our noses. Being the dumb kids we are. Even if some of us grew too fast, we still had that childlike wonder.


I was still wandering around until I found an alley. The night was cold. The wind brushed against my skin. Making me shiver. I walked over to the alleyway. I took off my hoodie using it as a blanket. I had nothing to support my head. So I just got used to the dirty ground. Was it uncomfortable, yes? Was it worth the neck pain I might have the next day? Probably not.


My body became drowsy, my eyes were becoming heavier by the second. My eyes soon closed. My body was finally relaxed even if the world was cold. The world can be warm sometimes and make you feel fuzzy inside. Makes you smile. So I can finally dream.


"Alex!" The young girl exclaimed.

She was short. She's a cup toon, unique, right? Alex loved this girl to death. He will die for her. She made him feel safe in her arms. She has brown hair covering her cracks on her face. Her eyes used to just be like a gem-like purple. But after the incident which caused one of her eyes to turn into a blueish white. It also left permanent cracks on her face.

She can see perfectly fine with her eyes so it never bothered anyone.

Alex was still worried about her sake, but she always reassured him that she was fine and she would stay with him. Making him smile wide, which also made her chuckle.

She was indeed wonderful, amazing even. She's great in many ways. Her voice was soft and calming. It could make anyone feel better.

She was the sweetest girl that anyone could have asked for, especially for Alex. And her name was Hazel.


I woke up to someone talking to someone. I groaned and looked up slowly. My eyes widened, why are they here? What did they want? 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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