Chapter One

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So this is supposed to be for future Grimm's to read, right? Well I'm pretty sure that was all a part of my imagination. Dumb coma. I guess that's the price of using yourself as a shield to escape a fire and protect your little sister in the process.

I remember all much about that other place. I remember Granny Relda, Mr. Canis, Puck, The Scarlet Hand, Uncle Jake, and Magic. So much magic. Yet here I am with basically no memory of anything else. I don't know when I'll get my memories back, but it's already been a month. I HAS to happen soon, right?


Sabrina closed her journal, and imagined it was like the many Grimm family journals from the other place.

She was sitting behind the dumpster of their new school. Today would be her first day, since there had been some last minute preparations before her life would return to 'normal'. Daphne had been going here for a year now, which meant Sabrina would be all alone.

Tucking the journal into her backpack, Sabrina pushed herself to her feet, then rounded the building g to the front doors. She had probably already missed half of first period.

She pushed through the front doors, then glanced around in search of the locker Her parents had told her to leave her things in.

"If this turns out like the last time I remember school with teachers being murdered and crazy councilors, I'm so Gonna rub it in everyone's faces" Sabrina muttered under her breath just as she spotted her locker.

Sabrina shuffled through the empty hall, opened her locker, stuffed her back inside, then pulled out her schedule. First period was English with.... Sabrina's eyes widened at the name. Excitement filled her chest. "Ms White!" She said aloud, just loud enough for it to echo In the silence.

She looked back down at the page. Room 18b. Adrenaline rushing through her veins, Sabrina scrambled for her English book, then slammed her locker shut. She bolted up the stairs and around a corner. Then there it was. Room 18b.

Sabrina threw the door open, a wide smile spread across her lips. But the woman at the front of the room was not who she'd wanted it to be. Instead, an elderly woman with starlight colored hair and wrinkled skin glared at her, an entire class of kids doing the same.

"I presume you are Miss Grimm?" Tom's White asked, her voice crackly and dry.

Sabrina gulped, her own throat the texture of sand paper. Her smile faded, and the reality of things finally set in again. "Yes, I am." She said the words so quietly Sabrina wondered if Ms White had even heard her.

Nevertheless, the woman jabbed a pointed finger to an empty seat in the back of the room. Sabrina clutched her textbook, then shrugged her way through the rows of desks.

Someone in the front row stuck their foot out, causing Sabrina to trip. She dropped the textbook with a loud thud. She reached down to grab it, but the person sitting next to her 'attacker' had already picked it up. It was a girl, who to Sabrina's horror looked a lot like Bella; The Daughter of the Frog Prince and Princess who had tried to kill her and Daphne on several occasions.

"Sorry, he didn't mean it." Sabrina took the textbook, and shoved all the strange thoughts to the back of her head. She took her seat, sitting beside the window, and stared blankly out at the school yard below.


I learned a few things on my first day. The first was that I should stop getting my hopes up. Ms. White is not a fairytale princess with awesome fighting skills, but a cranky old woman who teaches seventh grade English.


Sabrina stumbled into the lunch room behind Daphne in exhaustion. The P.E. Coach had made the class run thirty laps around the gym right before, and Sabrina hurt everywhere.

"I can't tell if school is supposed to be fun or a torture chamber anymore." Sabrina complained to her sister when they sat at a far table.

"Well then that's a you problem." Daphne said, but she grinned anyways and pulled out her lunch box.

Sabrina scanned the room. There were some visible groups around the place. Of course there was a sporty group, popular looking girls who unfortunately included the girl who looked a lot like Bella in it, and even a computers group. There were a few others, but Sabrina didn't know what else to call them.

Suddenly, there was a loud laugh that split throughout the entire room. Sabrina froze as she pulled out her food. She knew that laugh. She knew it so well that she hated it sometimes.

Sabrina looked up with a nervous edge, and found an annoyingly- yet exciting - familiar face. He looked exactly the way she'd recalled, except cleaner, all the way to the paper crown to the green hoodie. Of course, there were no pink wings.

"Sabrina... are you okay?" Daphne asked. She shook her head, and found herself smiling.

"I'm fine... who's that?" She pointed to where Puck stood at a nearby table, apparently taunting whoever sat there.

Daphne's eyes grew wide. "You Don't remember? Sabrina that's Robin. He was your best friend!" Sabrina's heart sank once again. Of course that's what it was. It was never the truth. Never get your hopes up.

Robin turned them to the table, and a malicious smirk grew on his lips. He strode over, then plopped down in the seat beside Daphne. "Well, Well, Well. If it isn't the notorious Grimm sisters." He looked to Sabrina, and her smile faded. "Long time bo see."

Sabrina wanted to say "Not as long as you think Faerie boy" but she stopped herself, and only nodded. "Indeed." Daphne looked between them with a suspicious look. Sabrina sure she was glaring at Robin, though he continued to grin.

"I guess it's time to get this train back on track." Robin stood. "It's time for the real chaos to begin."


The second thing I learned was that Chaos wasn't a metaphor. It meant that Robin Goodfellow wasn't really any different than Puck. Just a different name. A different place. A different story.

I just don't get why it all feels so wrong.

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