"and you there my clothes away." she narrows her eyes at him.

"but you look good." he says, "come on, say hi." he points to the party.

"hi." she says before turning around.

"10 minutes. that's it. i'll get you more clothes." he says as she rolls her eyes, "fine." she sits down on the couch next to dustin.

"ooh, cookies!" dustin grabs her cookie as she whimpers, "that was mine."

"sorry." he smiles, "cool scars." he points to her scars.

"oh uh, thanks." she mumbles.

"they're self harm scars, you idiot." mike says as el looks away uncomfortably.

"so? they're cool." dustin says.

mike scoffs quietly.

"shut up, mike." will says.

"you know what, i'm going to the park." el stands up and walks out of the living room, "el!" will shouts after her as she gives him a wave.

"why are you such an ass?" he turns to mike.

"again i was saying the truth?"

"to make her uncomfortable on purpose?" max asks, "we can't keep defending you."

"then don't, max." mike says.

"why do you hate her so much? the hell is wrong with you?" will asks, "hey, i don't hate her. not everything is unicorns and rainbows."

"well she thinks you hate her and i can sense it too."will says.

"fine, i'll apologise again. is that what you want?" mike stands up.

"yes! and apologise properly." will says, crossing his arms.

"fine, i'm going." he walks out of the living room and upstairs.

"apologise." he mumbles mockingly as he reached her room.

he opens her door without knocking on it and then walks it.

she flinches, "knock."

"it's not like you're changing." he shrugs, shutting the door.

"what do you want? it's not like you'll have anything nice to say." she whispers, searching for her sketchbook and pencil.

"here to apologise..... again." he mutters, "last time didn't turn out well."

"you yelled at me." she turns around to face him, "who were you to yell at me?"

"sorry for yelling?"

"see, you can't even apologise!" she walks towards him, "you basically yelled at me f-for hating myself, for slaughtering my own skin. what did i ever do to you!?" she shoves his chest but he barely moves.

"nothing, you did nothing." he answers her. 

"then why do you hate me so much!? because i'm now your best friends sister? or because i-i'm in the way of god knows what?"

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