The Past

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15 years ago...

A four-year-old boy runs into his parents' home laboratory to give them some exciting news. "Mommy, Daddy, I got a quirk! I got a quirk!" The two adults turn to the boy with shock written all over their faces. The father speaks first, "son, that's not possible; your mother and I are both quirkless." The boy turns to his father, "I'm not lying, see watch!" The two parents watch in fascination and surprise as the young boy summons a scythe out of thin air. They cannot believe what their witnessing; their son, which should be quirkless like them, summoned a scythe before their very eyes. "Is there anything else you can do," the mother asks in fascination? "I think so; when I looked at you and Daddy's eyes, I could see scary images of what looks like how you die," the boy states. The mother looks on in horror as the boy starts to rattle off two very graphic scenes that are too graphic for that, of the mind, of a four-year-old to imagine. She turns to her husband, who has a sinister smile plastered on his face. "Darling, what is it," the woman asks. "I think there is a new study that we need to start," he replies. Realization hits the woman, and soon the same sinister smile washes over her face, just like her husband. They turn to the young and innocent boy, "how would you like to play a game, son?"

13 years ago...

A six-year-old boy, scared, shirtless, and with tears running down his face, lays strapped to a metal table in a cold, sterile room. A gruff-looking man enters the room, a man the boy has come all too familiar with within the last year. He knows this man to be an enforcer of sorts for the people that he calls his parents. The boy watches as the enforcer lays out tools on the side table. "Alright, Subject 66, time to get your identification number," the man says coldly. With little to no warning, the man starts to tattoo the number sixty-six on top of the boy's right pectoral muscle. Screams burst from his throat as the man ruthlessly moves the needles in and out of his skin. He squirms and pulls at his restraints, earning him a smack on the side of the face, "stop moving or, you'll make me mess up," the man yells. The boy stops moving around, letting the man continue his work. After 3 hours of continuously sticking a bunch of needles through the boy's skin, the man cleans up his tools, covers up the boy's newly done tattoo with some gauze and tape, and release's the restraints. The boy lays there, not moving, as he had passed out from the pain. The enforcer puts the boy's shirt back on and walks him back to his cell.

11 years ago...

An eight-year-old boy, weak and exhausted, stands in a line next to four other test subjects. All of them, wearing long-sleeved grey and white striped shirts with similarly striped pants. At this point, the boy has lost all hope for his parents, causing him to close in on himself and become mute. The five enforcers stare down the test subjects as they stand in this line, waiting to find out who will endear the next set of tests. The two scientists walk into the room and point at the boy they once called their son. The enforcer forcefully takes the boy to the room the test subjects have dubbed Limbo. He gets strapped to a metal examination table, much like ones used by coroners. The scientists start their initial tests to see if their last serum had any effects. "Looks like we have to modify the serum again," the male scientist says, frustrated. "Don't fret, Darling, we will get it right," the woman says, trying to soothe her husband. "Your right, your right," the man replies. The two then get to work mixing different chemicals. The boy looks at the labels on the chemicals that the couple adds into the existing serum. He reads arsenic, trichloroethylene, diethylstilbestrol, and black carbon. The man stirs the compounds together, making the new serum turn into a dark blue. He then takes the serum and puts it into a syringe. He taps the syringe's needle and plunges it into the boy's neck, injecting the solution. Once the serum gets injected, the boy starts violently convulsing. The scientists watch on and nod their heads and take notes as the boy's body continues to convulse. His convulsions subside and, he slowly turns his head to look the two adults in the eyes. As his vision starts to clear, the usual graphic scenes of the two scientists' deaths play over like a movie in front of his eyes. But after the scenes finish, the boy is hit with an unusual wave of immense pain. Screams of pain rip out of his throat as the pain takes its course. Soon splotches of blood start to form on the boy's shirt above his heart, stomach, and several other places on his body. The woman looks in fascination, "Darling, look, Subject Sixty Six has wounds appearing on his body, and the most severe of them look like the stomach and heart." The man nods, "yes and, they are the same places he has told us would be our demise, fascinating."

3 years ago...

The sixteen-year-old boy sits down with the oldest of the test subjects. A seventeen-year-old boy who was brought in four years ago and is known as Subject Ninety Seven. Since he arrived, the boy, known as Nine, decided to make it his mission to help the original test subject, known as Six, learn to read and write. After four years, Six has become quite good at reading and writing; he even likes to read when he can sneak a book while the enforcers aren't looking. Nine even came up with the idea that Six can wear a blindfold so that he doesn't have to see how people die. The two found a scrap piece of fabric that Six can still see through but doesn't allow other people to look into his eyes. When he has to go to Limbo, he takes the blindfold off and hides it in his cell so that the scientists won't take it away from him. As the other three test subjects keep to themselves or are far too out of it to interact with the others, these two have become friends. Nine is the only one Six trusts and cares for and, even though he only communicates through writing, Nine cares for him just as much.

A year ago...

It's time the day has come that Nine and Six have agreed to escape this horrible prison. They have been making this plan for the last year, memorizing the enforcers' patrol schedule, noting when each subject gets dragged away for testing and when they are and aren't locked in their cells. They've planned this whole thing down to a T now; the only thing to do is to execute it. They decided the best time would be when the enforcers take everyone to go to the bathroom for the night. Everything was going to plan, the enforcers came, took everyone to the bathroom, and one of them waited outside the door. Nine went and told the waiting enforcer that one of the other subjects stupidly got themselves stuck in the toilet. The enforcer came in the bathroom and, Nine and Six took their opening. The two of them sprinted as fast as they could through the make-shift laboratory. They were so close to freedom, just about to exit through the front doors, but the enforcers chasing them captured Nine. "Six, no! Go! Go! Get out of here!" Even though he didn't want to, Six knew he had to go; because he may never have another chance. He took off running again and didn't look back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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