Chapter Two: Here In Night City

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Notes: This one has been done for a while, I've been pretty busy and overwhelmed with school for a while, but I've been having some fun silverv shenanigans on my personal account and I figured it was time to post it. I'm not sure how I feel about it? It went through some heavy edits, so there might be some typos and issues with that, and writing a new territory for me...

Word Count: 14799

Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Casual Discussion of Suicide (its fairly common in Night City according to lore), Talks of Sex but nothing explicit

V fiddles with the frayed edges of her hoodie, following behind Jackie. The night air chills her skin as they walk. It's not far from the bar where he stops a building, among the shorter cluster of buildings in Heywood, in no way stretching up into the heaven like many of the buildings in Night City. Jackie has no hesitation, taking the steps two at a time and swinging the front door open. She moves to take her mask off, not wanting to risk creeping his mom out, though her bruises and blood matted hair won't do her any favors.

"Ma! I brought a friend home!" He yells out, like they're kids asking to have a sleepover and V finds herself smiling. V bounces slightly on the balls of her feet, looking around the living room, the little collections of knick knacks, little calavera skulls. The couch covered in blankets and the warm little cozy touches within the home.

"Jaquito!" A woman's accented voice rings out, Jackie's mom coming into the living room, "where the hell have you been!? I've been worried sick!"

Jackie's mom is a woman somewhere in her fifties, if V had to wager a guess, with gray hair that falls down past her shoulders and blue eyes. There's a softness to her as she looks at her son, something inherently maternal to her gaze. There's wrinkled lines of worry around her eyes.

"Ay, I told you Mama, it was just biz. Nothing to worry about," Jackie waves off his mother's concerns.

"And your friend?" The older woman's eyes land on her, she looks down finding a spot on the floor to focus on.

"Ma, this is V."

Jackie turns to introduce her and V starts to look up, then his green eyes widen for a moment. It's the first time he's seen her without the mask, she's realized, and she finds herself hyperaware of her features, worrying about how they're being viewed. Her hands fidget and nerves flush her face. She's not even this anxious when a hookup sees her face for the first time. The idea of a potential bedmate rejecting her is nothing compared to this visceral fear that her new friend and his mother not approving of her .

"Hi," she signs, slightly stilted in her movements, feeling as if she might combust.

Her already awkward gestures completely freeze when she feels Senora Welles cups her cheek, fingers rubbing over the purple bruises on V's skin. The touch is kind and warm, stirring up memories of V's own mother. Memories of being a child returning to camp after hours of scavenging through a landfill or exploring the new land just for her mother to come look over her for every bruise or mark she may have collected.

"My Jackie drag you into one of his messes?" Senora Welles asks before V can go further down the slippery nostalgia slope. Fingers brush across the blood in the back of V's hair, the worry etching the older woman's expression only grows. The intensity makes the former nomad look at the ground, unable to maintain eye contact.

"It was a client, mama," Jackie answers for V, "First night in NC spent bleeding out in a dumpster, second will be spent on the street unle-"

"Say no more. I'll get you some clean clothes, you can use our shower, and we'll get some food in your belly, alright?"

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