Unfun Raising

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The matter of raising money was simple. All they had to do was beg for it in front of the school. That's how Ishi saw them doing it, but Rinse was more of a glass-half full type of gal. She would call this more as a fundraising campaign.

Though it didn't hurt to add in some of her charm into the sales pitch. Which ended up being her wearing one of her many idol costumes while they handed out fliers to those passing by. This cute outfit was decked out with many frills along the skirt section. The blue matching her hair added onto the branded look she had built up over her career.

"I hope you don't mind." She said when they had a moment's reprieve. "But I invited Chiana to help us out too."

"You really should consult me on those type of things." He did mind. However, it wasn't because he was against the idea of another idol helping them. Rather, that issue arose because of the specific idol she was referring to. Knowing her identity, the boy would've assumed she'd reject the request since the real girl was still here at school. The fact that Rinse was telling him this now meant it was accepted instead.

"Come on, I'm sure you don't want to spend all day outside trying to earn some money." She replied, unaware of his true reasons. "And it's her sister's last year here. I'm certain Chinae would really appreciate it, even if she won't admit it."

"You have no idea." He muttered. Why would that girl accept? Perhaps she did care more for Rinse than he was expecting. After all, he hadn't seen their relationship in action beyond greeting the other.

Heya you two!" While they were talking, the subject of their conversation arrived. "So, what do you want me to do?" She was also wearing a stylish idol costume to stand with them. It was pink, and complete not what he thought the real girl would ever wear in public were they to know her idenity. Ishi was shocked that Chinae had no shame in doing this, but then again, this wasn't exactly her doing it.

"Just hand out these fliers, and ask if they'd be willing to donate for our class." He gave her roughly half his own stack. "Even if its just spare yen, that'd be great." Judging from the expenses of both their ideas, he believed it was going to be one of the more costly events for the day. A lot of singers applied for the talent show, so they'd need the equipment for speakers and lighting. Things like that would be rented to save on costs.

Meanwhile, his game show event was going to mainly require volunteers to set things up. The cost wasn't high, but materials for the stage weren't free either. "Did your sister tell you what we were raising money for?" He was curious on how she'd answer. Obviously this girl already knew about their plans, but her answers was what he was interested in. Would she play an act and tell them what she believed a real Chiana would say, or perhaps Chinae's true self would come out.

"I thought the talent show was a wonderful idea." She told them. "Of course Rinse would come up with something like that." Unsurprisingly there was a heap of praise thrown on the girl. It was most likely genuine, since she was friendly with her idol co-worker.

"You don't have to flatter me." Rinse giggled, pleased with herself. "What about Ishi's idea? It's kind of weird coming from him, don't you think?"

"How is it weird?" He took offense to the apparent insult. Whether it was targeted towards him or the idea itself, he had no clue, nor did he care.

"If what my sister's said was true, then it's because it doesn't fit you." Chiana explained her position. "You don't seem interested in romance at all." That much was true. Ishi had disdain for the love between teenagers, especially those of high school sweet hearts. He believed it to be fleeting, a short period of time that many overvalued. It wasn't as if most love during this time was real. Nor did it last into adulthood the majority of the time.

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