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This seriously couldn't be happening to him, he thought. Ishi even pinched himself to make sure this wasn't just a bad dream. Unfortunately, the pain he felt on his skin only served to increase the pain he felt emotionally.

"I think you might be overreacting." His friend whispered over to him as class started. He would disagree with that statement, but pretty much everyone else wasn't on his side. Though when their first break began, Ishi's worries were confirmed as everyone gathered around Rinse's desk.

"So much for getting any peace and quiet around here." He was getting pushed away from his own seat with how much crowding there was now. It was loud too, with the numerous students asking her all sorts of questions. The boy was upset she just had to sit next to him. His seat was specially chosen by him on the first day precisely because no one ever came around the back like this.

Sadly, he chose not to sit by the window spot, which she ended up taking, because of some dumb superstition about becoming a main character to some ridiculous manga. Though considering how popular she was, he could see her being the real protagonist. Which he could live with, since he'd much rather be some background extra drawn to fill a scene.

"Is it true that you met Ishi on the train before school?" He heard Otoya ask the girl. His friend was also enamored by her fame, and he was very much a part of this crowd that was ruining his space.

"So Ishi is his name?" She said as she looked at him. This prompted everyone else to turn their heads towards him. Much to the boy's chagrin. "You know, he's kind of rude. I waved hello to him, and then he just put on his headphones to ignore me." Ishi felt everyone's eyes turn to ice cold glares at him.

"I didn't know who she was." He defended himself.

"Knowing you, I'm pretty sure that wouldn't matter." Otoya commented in a lighthearted manner.

"True." He turned away from everyone, crossing his arms.

"Don't worry about him." One of his classmates said. "He's just a grump."

"You mean, the grump." There were times when Ishi really wondered why Otoya was his best friend in the first place. Partially because that boy did annoy him to no end at times, but also because why would someone so kind put up with his attitude? "I don't think there's a single person colder than him."

"Is that a normal thing at these school?" Rinse asked.

"Who knows?" Ishi responded. "I've never been one to want to stand out, but it turns out I'm just special in my own way." Too bad for him, that it ended up putting him in unique position at this school. "Who cares anyway. After this school year ends, I won't be seeing any of you anymore." Everyone else shared his sentiment about it when regarding him.

"But, isn't that reason enough to not want to be so cold?" She spoke up. "If time is limited, then doesn't it make it more important to have it count?"

"Maybe to you, but I don't really consider our so-called youth to be that important at all." He countered. "Can't say I'm really into it." When he finished talking, he look at everyone else who was listening in their conversation. "Don't just stare at us, go back to what you're doing." Ishi wondered why he even bothered to entertain these people. "And if anybody needs me." He got up to go grab a snack, or something. Any excuse to get away from the crowd. "Don't."

And that was that. Well, his day certainly was a lot louder than normal with how many people wanted to talk with her. Why did she have to sit next to him? It only served to bother him more than anything else. Literally anyone else would've loved to be in his spot, so maybe he might look for someone to trade places with him. Then again, a lot of people really would love his place. If he put it up for dibs, then maybe things might become even more bothersome.

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