My new Classmate

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"Make sure you don't forget your bag!" A mother called out to her son with a reminder.

"I know mom, I already got it." Her son answered back. It was the early morning, right before school. This song and dance had been committed dozens of times as the young boy prepared to exit the front door.

"And another thing." His mom came up to him. Today, there was going to be something different. "Our new neighbors will be moving in this afternoon. I expect all of us to be there to help them out."

"I'll be on my best behavior." He responded in a flat tone. The boy didn't know why his mother was so insistent on doing this. They didn't know who their new neighbors were going to be, so why should they care? "Anyway, time for me to head out." As usual, he took slow, but steady steps to the train station.

Who was this boy? Well, he was none other than Ishi Hirose. If you didn't know who that was, then good. Because to him, it's better to be some random nobody that no one cares about. Unfortunately for him, he had a bit of a reputation at school for his rather... Standoffish nature. So the no one cares about point didn't apply to him.

The boy yawned as he neared the station. His morning routine hadn't changed once during his two years at high school. There were no intentions to change it as he headed to his third year. The only thing he could come up with would be whoever this new neighbor might bring along. If they had a kid that was around his age, then he might get stuck with a lame morning walk with someone else.

It didn't take long for him to make it to his destination. Soon after he arrived, the train came and he got on along with many other commuters. Same as always, except for one minor detail.

There was a girl sitting across from him who was someone he had never seen before. She was looking at her phone, with no worry about the people around her as the train departed the station towards his school stop.

This girl appeared to be quite the fashionable type with her hairpin, but she had a girl's uniform that belonged to his school. So she must've been a new student that just transferred in.

Well wasn't he special, he sarcastically thought. Ishi got to be the first person to see the new student. Now, plenty of normal kids might take this as an opportunity to introduce themselves. Especially with an excuse of going to the same school. He figured many boys would take that chance, since he considered her pretty cute as well. However, making friends was never on his agenda, so he didn't bother.

While sitting at his spot, doing what he normally did, which was nothing. He took note of a few other people murmuring to each other. It seemed that they also noticed this girl, who did stand among the crowd.

"Sheesh, are boys really that allured by a pretty girl?" He muttered under his breath as they chatted. Not that he had much room to speak, seeing as he was also taking note of her. Perhaps a little too much, as she put down her phone to look around her surroundings. That was when their eyes met. Hers were a deep blue, like her hair, which felt like staring into a deep ocean.

She smiled at him and gave him a friendly wave. The girl must've noticed his uniform and realized he was a fellow student. Reluctantly, he gave a weak wave with just two of his fingers back to her. Then looked away and went to grab his headphones to go on ignoring the girl.

So his trip went by as he listened to his music. If there was one thing he learned, it's that no one bothers someone with headphones on unless it was important. That was his tactic to get this girl to not strike a conversation with him.

From the looks of it, it worked. She didn't say anything to him, but the girl did walk near him as they went to school. That wasn't a big deal to him, since they did share a destination. It couldn't be helped.

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