Chapter Three - Symbols of Chaos

Start from the beginning

Taking a deep breath, Malika continued with the information. She felt like much of what she was saying would not be remembered by Olivia, but it still needed to be said. "Olor, the oldest of three, chose the form of a fine-looking man. He was sought by women everywhere he went. Kiriel, the middle of the three, took the form of a beautiful woman and was sought by many suitors wherever she went. The last of the siblings was Irus and according to many counts he had always been strange. Irus took the form of a pale-skinned man with white blond hair and bright grey eyes. There are tales and even songs of Irus having skin that seemed iridescent in the sunlight and that his hair shimmered like gold."

"I hope that's an exaggeration," Olivia half smiled.

"I guess we'll never know." Malika shrugged her shoulders lazily. "Irus was teased and tormented by his siblings for the way he chose to appear. While Olor and Kiriel were loved and adored by many, Irus was shunned and laughed at wherever he went. Some say that even his siblings would join in with tormenting him."

"Seems like a shit life to live." Olivia mumbled thoughtlessly. "What happened then?"

"Well, Irus eventually retreated from the world and sought shelter in various monasteries and libraries. He was the Fae of Knowledge, so he made it his mission to learn everything about humans and their world." Scratching her head and walking to one end of the small tent, Malika sighed. "After Irus left his family and the human village they lived near, his sister Kiriel became jealous of Olor. The attention he received and the charm that he oozed became things that Kiriel wanted for herself."

Olivia interrupted Malika and picked up the story, "Kiriel used a spell or something, didn't she?"

"So you do know some of it, Olivia. You're not as clueless as you would have me believe." The grin that snaked its way across Malika's lips was also present on Olivia's. "But you're right. Kiriel found half of a spell that had her believe she could steal her brother's essence. The essence that made all fae pure and good." Taking another breath, Malika sighed, "she succeeded in her goal, but what was left in Olor was the darkness instilled in him by humans. All that remained was anger and hatred. Some say he was the first truly evil fae to have existed."

"So what does that have to do with this?" Jubair cleared his throat as his question lingered.

"Well, depending who you ask, Olor was the first demon. He is responsible for the birth of witchcraft, werewolves and vampires. When it comes down to it, Olor was the first dark fae because of his sister."

Both Olivia and Jubair wore confused looks as they exchanged glances.

"The truth sold to the masses was that demons created werewolves, witchcraft and vampires, but they truly have a fae ancestor." Another pause and Malika's head started pounding.

"Hey Mal, are you nearly done?" Alexander's voice rang from the outside. "Your mother asked that we check by Talia's place as well and speak to her husband."

The interruption had Malika straightening. Had she been talking for that long? "I think the best place to start investigating is with the witches. Asher and Rosamond Pennington, siblings and leaders of their coven."

Walking from the small tent, she found Percival and Alexander standing there waiting. "So?" Alex was the first to ask. "How serious are we talking here?"

"It's serious. Multiple parts, possibly from many fae. Old magic and spells." Taking a deep breath to try and still her heart, Malika squeezed her eyes shut and ran her hand through her long dark brown hair. "Whoever did it has carved the Mark of Chaos."

"What now?" Percival interrupted, confusion written all over his posture and the jerky movements he made with his hands.

"Someone intends to cause chaos in our world." Malika couldn't help but feel nervous, anxious about who would want to do such a thing.

"That doesn't sound so bad." Alexander tried consoling Malika by placing a hand on her shoulder before slipping it down the length of her arm to cradle her hand in his. "Whatever happens, we'll get through it."

Meeting his gaze, Malika felt like he was talking about more than what had just happened. His eyes were shining bright and full of hope. His eyes were full of memories they'd shared, moments when the world around them became a blur. She couldn't let it go back to that.

Taking a step backwards Mal put some much needed distance between herself and Alexander, 'don't fall for it, don't fall for him again.' It pained her to do so, but she met Percivals gaze. "The two of you can attend Talia's home. I need to visit Elisco at the morgue." Her tone was cool and collected as she pointedly ignored the hurt in Alexander's eye.

"I'm not letting you go there alone." Alexander responded with firm words ground from between his teeth.

Giving him a sharp look, Malika wasted no time in responding. "I wasn't asking for permission Alexander." She watched as her words had the desired effect on him. He straightened his back. The walls he put up to keep Malika out rose again, and he plastered a blank look on his face. She hated having to use her position against him, but she needed to. "Olivia and I will see Elisco and you two will visit Talia's home and find out what you can from the husband." Her order was firm this time. It left no room for discussion.

Alexander bowed his head slightly and turned towards Percival. "Well, we've got orders. Better not disappoint her majesty." The exaggerated response from Alexander was a sting to Malika, but she knew she deserved it.

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