02, active sex life

Start from the beginning

"Come on," Daphne patted Trinity's shoulder. The sisters walked out of the girls bathroom section, Teresa following them.

Pulling the necklace out of her pocket, Daphne leaned forward slightly as she clipped it on. She stood up again, her eyes falling on Newt. Smiling immediately, Daphne looked at him in his green and gray shirt and jeans. His hair was brushed and his face was bright and clean, a smile rushing up to it when he looked her.

Walking over to her, he brushed some hair out of her face, Newt whispering, "Your hair, love, it's—"

"Wavy." Daphne smiled and Newt nodded, smiling too. She looked at him, noticing the scratch on his face, running her finger over it. "Does it hurt?"

"No," He shook his head. "Just a scratch, I've been through worst, darling. You look very pretty."

Blush rushed up to Daphne's cheeks once again making Newt smile further and Daphne grinned, "You look nice too, all clean."

"You two done?" Frypan questioned and Daphne backed up away from Newt.

"Now that we're all here," Janson looked at the group. "It's time for some tests."


Newt looked at the doctor as he sat in a chair in the labs. His eyes widened when he saw the doctor pull out a large syringe. He licked his lips before speaking, "Wait, what is that?"

"Just a little cocktail." The doctor answered. "Calcium, folate, vitamins A through Z. Pretty much everything you've been deprived of out there."

Daphne walked back the section where Newt sat and he gave her a nervous look.

"Try to relax." The doctor spoke again. Daphne gave Newt a gentle smile, seeing the needle and the look on his face.

Walking to the other side of the room, Daphne past Trinity and Minho, who were running on treadmills. Another doctor smiled at her, gesturing at Daphne to sit down. "Daphne, right?"

Daphne nodded and the women offered her hand for her to shake. "I'm Dr. Weltman, I just need to ask you some questions and get some bloodwork and urine-work from you."

"Sounds good." Daphne said, playing with the ends of her sleeves. She held out her arm, wincing slightly when Weltman pushed the a needle in, allowing blood to flow.

"Does anything hurt? Like anything that we should be concerned about?" Weltman asked. "Broken bones possibly, pulled muscles."

She shook her head and Weltman nodded, "Okay, they already took your height and weight earlier."

Weltman took out a large syringe, exactly like the one that Newt was injected with earlier. "This is—"

"Vitamins." Daphne cut her off with a smile and Weltman nodded.


"No, my boyfriend— My friend was just injected with one and he was kind of freaking out." Daphne rambled, blushing. "He's afraid of needles."

"Are you?" She questioned.

Shaking her head, Daphne replied, "No, no, I was a Med-Jack— Pretty much a doctor for my friends in the maze. I've dealt with needles."

"Good," Weltman nodded, injecting the needle in her arm gently.

Weltman asked her a few more questions before the doctor sighed, glancing at Daphne. "These are the few awkward questions."

"Oh great." Daphne mumbled.

"Are you sexually active?" Weltman asked.

Daphne choked on air, her eyes wide as she studdered. "What— Excuse me?"

"I assumed with the boyfriend and all that." She shrugged. "It's just to see if we have to check for STDS and other things"

"Yeah, I'm— You know, doing that." Daphne mumbled, nodding and her cheeks turned pink.

"When was the last time?"

"Really?" She gasped and Weltman shrugged again. "Like a week ago?"

Weltman wrote it down, looking at Daphne. "Do you love him?"

"Yes, I do." Daphne nodded, smiling. "He's the first boy I've ever loved, before and after the maze."

"That's nice." Weltman grinned. "Alright, Daphne, you're done with me and my awkward questions, I think you are pretty much done—"

"Actually Dr. Weltman, I would like Ms. Daphne to answer a few questions from Dr. Bailey." Janson walked into the room.

"Dr. Bailey, the neurologist?" Weltman questioned. "She's completely fine, sir."

"I'm sure she is." Janson smirked. "So, Daphne, you haven't shown off your smarts to Dr. Weltman?"

"What?" Daphne and Weltman questioned in unison.

"Well, Dr. Weltman, we looked over WCKED's files and Daphne has the highest IQ out of all of the maze trial participants." Janson said.

"We didn't participate." Daphne mumbled.

"Wait, all of the maze trials?" Weltman questioned and Janson nodded. "You were holding out on me, Daphne."

"Yeah, usually I just keep all the more complicated sentences that I think of in my head." Daphne shrugged. "Nobody usually understands half of the words I use anyways. Why do I have to see a neurologist?"

"We just want to run a few tests, see what you're fully capable of." Janson answered and Daphne stood up as a guard led Trinity into the room.

"Hey Daphie." Trinity greeted. "Have they poked and prodded at your brain yet?"

"Not yet." Daphne smiled, her sister patting her shoulder and the younger girl whispered, "She makes you pee in a cup and answers questions about your sex life."

"Good thing mine is nonexistent, the only Gladers with real sex lives are you and Newt." Trinity smirked and Daphne rolled her eyes.

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