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I lay on the table, still held down by the leather straps. Cioccolata had cleaned the wounds that he had created on my body. Once Cioccolata was finished cleaning my wounds, he started to clean himself up. My eyes followed the man as he put away his equipment neatly, took off his gloves and stored them away, and washed his hands. He hummed quietly to himself as he let the water wash over his hands. Secco sat close to me, tampering with the camera.

"What are you going to do to me?" I blurted out angrily. Secco looked up at me, then at Cioccolata, then me again. I could hear Cioccolata walking behind me. He leaned over and looked at me and smiled.

"According to the boss, you're mine now." Cioccolata smiled brightly. I couldn't tell what he was thinking or if he was lying or not. I wanted him out of my face and away from me. I don't even know why the boss would even want me; I didn't even have a big role in the organization.

"Now, Secco, I've got something for you to do," Cioccolata spoke, starting to walk away from me and towards Secco, "I want you to watch our guest while I go run some errands." Then Cioccolata pulled out a small brown bag. Secco's eyes grew big, jumping up and down and pulling at Cioccolata's clothes. Cioccolata pulled out two, what I thought was, sugar cubes. He then proceeded to throw them up in the air. Secco jumped high and caught them both in his mouth. Cioccolata scratched and pet Secco's head. He praised him over and over again while Secco chewed on the two cubes in his mouth. I felt myself physically cringe. These are the weirdest guys I've ever met.

"Now, I need you to watch them closely. I need you to make sure they're good." Cioccolata cooed. Secco shook his head, yes, still chewing and sucking on the cubes.

"I promise, I'll do good." Secco agreed. Cioccolata handed Secco a folded piece of paper. Secco's eyes scanned it over and nodded. What was on that paper?

The two of them shared their goodbyes before Cioccolata left. Cioccolata finally left after saying good boy to Secco a million times. It was just us. Secco and I sat in silence. I think I'd rather talk to Cioccolata than stay with this guy. At least with Cioccolata, I can have a normal conversation, but with Secco? Not a chance. Secco dashed up the stairs. I waited a few minutes until Secco came back down the stairs. In his hands were a bowl and a big spoon. Secco plopped down next to me and dipped the spoon in the bowl. In the bowl, there was a strange grey substance.

"What was on that paper?" I inquired. He tried to put the spoon in my mouth, but I tilted my head away.

"Instructions for you," Secco replied. Cioccolata had left instructions for how to take care of me. Oh great, now I'm a pet. A pet just like him.

"Open your mouth! Now!" Secco snapped. I held my mouth shut, squeezing my eyes shut. I tilted my head away from every angle he put the spoon. This was humiliating. Secco was finally able to force open my mouth and stuff the spoon inside. It was pure...mush.

"Eat it, Cioccolata says it's good for you," Secco spoke, scooping more mush onto the spoon. I forcefully swallowed the mush. He continued to feed me while I laid there. We sat in silence while he fed me. He looked uncomfortable like he wasn't sure what to do.

"Hmmm...what next..." I could hear Secco mutter to himself once the bowl was empty. He sat the bowl aside and pulled out the now wrinkled piece of paper. His eyes lit up when he realized what he had to do next. From his reaction, it didn't seem too bad. If you were in any other situation, you might have thought that look was a good thing. But since it's Secco, who knows what's going through his head.

"C'mere," Secco said while he was unbuckling the leather straps that were holding me back. I could feel my body tensing. Secco held onto my arms as he helped me get up. My entire body was sore. I felt pain from the healing cuts. This could be my chance of escaping; I just need him to leave the room, better yet, the house.

"Cioccolata said that you're allowed to get up for a while, but I'm gonna have to chain you up." Secco grinned as he forcefully pulled me towards a chain. I tried pulling away but he had a tight grip. Secco eventually pulled me over there and chained my wrist to the wall. Of course, he would. I'm going to have to figure out how to get away from this chain.

DOCTOR'S VISIT - jjbaWhere stories live. Discover now