Child hood

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. . . Marinette POV . . .
. . . 5 years old . . .

I was outside in the park next to my parents Bakery. I seen a kid about my age standing next to a tree looking at something. He must be waiting for someone I thought. I walked up to him he can join my game of spy. We were playing tag but everyone had to go home for lunch. He turned to look at me before I could even tap him on the shoulder. He was scowling deeply and was glaring at me. I shrugged it off, my games cheer everyone up. "Hi I'm Marinette." I announced to the stranger. I took out my hand for him to shake. He shook my hand and turned back around.

He did not!

I didn't even invite him to play yet!


He did!

It is on.

He will be my friend and I will make him smile.

I jumped in front of him to get his attention before speaking "I was playing spy because my friends had to go eat lunch. Would you like to join me?" He just stared at me with his eyebrows raised. Before he could say anything I started again "Great, you are playing. First one to the top of the oak tree decides the mission." I took off toward the tree. Without looking behind me. When I got to my favorite branch, I sat down to wait. I looked down but he wasnt there.

I frowned ever so slightly then jumped hearing a voice behind me. "I think I win." I started beaming. "Alright so first we need code names! I'll be Nettie. What about you?" He smiled a little at me and replied with "Demon." I nodded my head. He started speaking again "But I dont have a mission picked out. So you can choose." I dont think it was possible for me to beam brighter but I think I did. I pointed to the corner bakery "See that bakery, my parents own it! Our first mission is to steal some croissants for lunch!" He smirked at me and said "mission accepted Nettie!"

Together we climbed down the tree. We hid behind it and made up hand signals. Then we ducked and rolled to the entrance of the bakery. I opened the door and the bell chimes I quickly hid behind the first table Demon right behind me. We made it into the kitchen and grabed four croissants before being caught. I was grabed by the waist and lifted up by Papa. I laughed. "Put me down. Put me down. Demon mission abort. Mission abort. grab the croissants and run."

He grabed his two croissants and I squirmed out of my Papa's grip grabbed two and dashed after Demon. Made it back up the tree croissants in our mouths. That was so much fun I think Demon would agree with me but couldn't at the moment he was to mesmerized by the croissants. I giggled at his face. He was about to decide our next Mission after he changed my code name to Angel. "Damian Al-Goul!" His mother yelled up the tree. I heard him gulp.

I climbed down the tree with Demon. I told the lady who I'm assuming was his mother. I also stand up for my friends. I made Demon my friend. I looked up at the lady before speaking "Hey don't yell at him. I made him my friend. I also made him play spy with me and on top of that our mission was successful we got the croissants from my parents bakery!" She and Demon looked shocked.

I stood there with my hands on my hips. The lady smiled down at me "My name is Talia dear, and Damian is not in trouble." I beamed up at her. "Marinette!" I heard my parents yell for me I waved at them and ran inside.

. . . 7 years old . . .

I seen him once more in the park all alone and sitting on a bench. I ran up to him. Once in front of him, I tripped and fell on my face. I got up and looked at him. He was trying his hardest not to laugh. "Yeah. Yeah! My legendary clumsiness is unheard of go ahead and laugh. I'm used to it." I said with an eyeroll. "So Demon it's been a year. You missed alot of mission's into the Bakery. I'll forgive you on one condition. We need a secret handshake for when we meet again." He just looked amused at my antics, but non the less stood up.

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