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Let me tell you a story...

"Come on boys!" called out the Captain.

"Aye! Aye!" exclaimed the crew of the lovely ship we all know has the name The Snitch.

"And ladies!" shouted a female pirate who was hanging from one of the few poles at the ship.

"Aye! Aye!" exclaimed the crew of the lovely ship we all know has the name The Snitch, agreeing with the female pirate Dorcas Meadows.

"Come on everyone!" called out the Captain of the beloved ship, almost about to roar his words.

"Aye, Captain!" exclaimed the crew, letting the Captain know that he was heard all loud and clear.

"We are back at sea! We are back home!"

The crew cheered at the realization.

It felt good to be home.

It did truly feel good for the crew of The Snitch to be back at the sea.

It truly did feel good for the crew of The Snitch to be back at the sea.


About a group of five boys...

Long ago, there was once The Snitch's first movement out in the lovely big sea.

There were five boys who were there for The Snitch's first movement. After that, they collected more people, but for the big ship's first movement thee was only those five boys.

One of them was a runaway prince who could be counted as no longer a prince. He had black hair and gray eyes just like the queen of Evraican.

Another one was the man who was going to be the first mate of the big ship. He had curly brown hair that rushed with the winds in curls. His amber eyes seemed to glow with intelligence.

A third man had skin the color of sand. His blonde hair seemed to be just as sharp as his blue eyes that were more than great for looking out.

Another man was the oldest out of the five. He had caramel hair that was almost the same shade as the lover he had for a year now. His eyes, the brown color of chocolate, seemed to be wise that was probably out of his age.

A fifth man, the most important man for the ship, was going to be the Captain of this marvelous ship. His curly black hair was just as messy as any raven's nest. His hazel eyes seemed to be a mix of colors that shined with adventure.

Now, those five men are people you know and you know exactly what their futures held.


Best friends became family...

"Is Peter going to be okay?" asked James Potter.

"Yeah, I just wrapped his arm," said Frank, clearing his hands and rearranging his kitchen.

"We really need to get someone who is skilled at this kind of stuff," noted the first mate who was sitting on the ground.

"We will," said James Potter. "Sirius is already trying to search for some good people."

"I did find some people," said Sirius Black who was leaning at the doorframe of the kitchen.

"People?" questioned James Potter, raising an eyebrow.

"Twins," corrected Remus Lupin.

"You know about this too?"

"He showed me them," explained the first mate. "That's what we were doing before we heard Peter tried to do something reckless and ended like this."

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