Start from the beginning

"Why not," shrugged Frank as he handed her a knife. "You'll need to cut the food."

"I can do that," nodded Lily as she grabbed the knife.

After a while, Lily realized she wasn't one used to being in the kitchens, cutting the vegetables.


She had made a small cut on her finger accidentally. Blood started pouring from the cut.


Princess Lilith Black, the hostage - I know I've been reminding you a lot of her situation, but please bare in mind that it is important to know and important to be reminding of things you have to know - of The Snitch, was sitting on a chair that took shelter in the territory of the medical practitioner.

"You can go Frank," said Devonte. "I know how to take care of her well on my own."

"Are you sure?" asked Frank. Even if the question seemed innocent, Lily seemed to notice that it didn't seem innocent at all.

"The Captain won't kill you," said Devonte, rolling his eyes. "You weren't the one who drove a knife to her hand."

"Right. I'll see you soon, Lily," said Frank as he left the room.

"He worries a lot, doesn't he?" Lily asked the person who was bandaging her right pinky finger.

"He does," said Devonte as he put the ring back in it's owner's right pinky finger. "That should be able to help stop the bleeding by adding extra pressure. Why were you insisted on not letting the ring out of your finger?"

The princess looked at the pinky ring. It was a gold band with engravings. There was a circular gold metal plate stuck to the top of the band. On top of that plate was half a circle of an amethyst.

She smiled at the memory of how she got the simple, but royal-looking ring.

"My sisters gave it me for my tenth birthday," said Lily, recalling the proud memory and touching the gold ring. "It was long ago before we were broken off for many different reasons."

"So it's something valuable to you?" asked Devonte, understanding the thought off having something of your previous life being something very valuable to you. "What would happen if someone stole it from you?"

"I might then learn how to kill someone," replied Lily honestly. "Kill them and then get my ring back."

"Like a true pirate," grinned Devonte. "Except you are a princess."

"A hostage princess," agreed Lily, her red hair still in it's los ponytail.


The second mate of The Snitch barged into the medical practitioner's territory.

"You just had to go and try something you've never tried before just like the curious being you are, didn't you?" Sirius Black asked his younger sister.

"I am a curious being," smiled Lily at her older brother.

"Don't act like that toward me," the second mate warned his little sister. "You did a mistake."

"Isn't life filled with mistakes?" asked Lily.

"Don't royals learn not to make mistakes and fuck up things?" asked Sirius.

"Sirius!" said Devonte, his brown eyes widening.

"She's my sister, Dev. I think I can curse in front of her," said Sirius, waving his hand at whatever Devonte could have scolded him about swearing in front of a lady. "Plus, you say it all the time around Dorcas so don't act so innocent."

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