Uni life, tough life (Lando Norris)

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'Hiiii my idiot, I'm home!' you heard your boyfriend, Lando, shout after opening the door. A smile appeared on your face after hearing his voice. 'I'll be right there, just two more chapters', you shouted back to him. 

After an hour of struggling on the 11th chapter of your book, you wanted to give up. 'I really can't do this anymore', you sighed. You had been studying for an entire day and you felt drained, but there was only one more chapter on your schedule for today, which would usually take you about half an hour to study, but now it looked like it was going to take you ages. You just couldn't focus after this long day, it felt like your brain cells didn't want to connect anymore. After reading the first paragraph of the chapter for the third time, you still didn't get what was written on the page. Tears started to form in your eyes as you had almost never experienced this before. 

'Hi! How's my smartass idiot doing? Studying going alright?' you heard Lando ask you as he entered your room. Right as you looked inside his eyes, you broke down in tears. 'I-I-I just can't do it anymore, I don't know what's wrong. I've just gone stupid all of a sudden! I literally can't remember a thing I just read and I've read the paragraph three times already. THREE TIMES! I'm never going to be able to pass these exams, let alone ever become a doctor if I'm not even able to remember a single fluffing paragraph!' you exclaimed. All of the stress and emotions that had been building up inside of you this entire semester of studying seemed to have gotten too much for you. The waking up at 6 every day to study for at least 14 hours just wasn't it. You barely got any sleep, you couldn't do anything fun and you barely got to spend time with your boyfriend anymore. It was all slowly draining you, all the emotions were bottled up inside of you until tonight. It had been enough, now you just had to let it all out.

'Hey no don't say that!! You're literally the smartest, most hard working person I know! You're going to nail these exams and you're going to be one hell of a surgeon! I mean I do call you an idiot sometimes, but that's because your my idiot, my favourite idiot! You're not actually stupid my love, you are a genius!' he exclaimed as he picked you up from your chair and made you cuddle with him in the bed. Your sobs started to calm down as he held you in his arms. You were so lucky to have such a caring, loving boyfriend. He was the best. Even though he had probably had a super tiring day at work himself, he was there for you to comfort you after your tough day. He never failed to be there for you and you hoped that he knew how much that meant to you.

'Thank you Lando, I really needed this, I don't know what's going on with me lately', you told him. 'Shh it's okay, you've been studying so hard the entire time, it's normal for you're brain to just want a little break for once', he said. You nodded your head. Even though it was hard to admit that you did need a break, since you thought you couldn't really afford to have one, you knew he was right. 'Now what do you say if we just ordered some pizza, watched a movie and cuddled tonight?' he suggested. He always knew what would cheer you up. You smiled and gave him a kiss. He got up to go order the pizza as he took a look at what you were studying. 'So what's this mental-breakdown-causing-stuff about?' he asked as he flipped a few pages around. 'Ohh I see, it's s-s-sata-statistics', he said. This made you chuckle. 'Yeah close enough', you laughed. 'Oh stop it, I was only saying it like that to make you laugh, my depressed idiot', he defended himself. 'Sureee my dear. Just order the pizza and get your ass back in here so we can cuddle some more.' So that's what he did. 

You guys had a lovely night of eating, talking, cuddling and kissing, all of which made you forget about the mental breakdown you had had before. All that mattered was you and him and how you guys got to spend another lovely night together with your favourite person in the whole world.

'I love you, (y/n)', he told you as he wrapped his arms around you before going to sleep. 'I love you, Lando, with all my heart', you smiled while closing your eyes, snuggling as close to him as possible.

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