Meeting him (George Russel)

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When you were younger your dad made you go karting with your brothers. This caused you to have a lot of boy friends since you used to talk to almost all of the boys there, except for one: George Russel. You were just always to nervous and shy to talk to him, which wasn't what you were like around anyone else, everything was just different around George. You've pretty much looked up to him ever since you were little and so did everyone else. He was always the talented one, the winner. That's why it was so cool to see his progress up to formula 1!

Even though you've known about his existence for so long, you've never actually met him properly, but that was about to change tonight. He and some other of his F1 friends were coming over to Lando's place and so were you. Lando and you were best friends since your karting days. Even though you always saw his talent as well, you weren't as starstruck with him. He was actually the first person out there who talked to you, it was friendship at first sight!

'My gosh (y/n) stop being so annoying for one second and come help me with the chicken sha-shawa-... ugh why is this so hard to pronounce!' You heard Lando complain. This made you burst out laughing. 'My dear, this isn't hard to pronounce at all, it's just you!' You shouted from across the room. ' You put on the music a bit louder than it already was and you started dancing and jumping around like crazy, wrapped in the George-faced-blanket Lando got for his birthday. 'Lando, don't I look great inside of George, I would happily see this happen the other way around though!' you joked as you turned around to face Lando again. You immediately froze as you saw 4 pairs of eyes looking at you. The music was so loud, you didn't hear the door opening and 3 people entering the room. Now you just stood being embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

'I, uhm, hi! N-nice to meet all of you', you said with an awkward smile, tossing the blanket onto the couch. That's when they all just burst out laughing. 'Oh my god, okay guys meet (y/n) the idiot, idiot meet Alex, Charles and I don't think I should introduce George to you, considering you seem to know all about him already', Lando said. You walked towards the boys to give them all a hug and while you passed him, you whispered: 'I hate you oh my gosh', to Lando, which made him burst out laughing once again. 

You gave Alex and Charles a hug first, not knowing if you should give George one too, considering you basically admitted he was your crush (in a pretty bold, explicit way...) before even getting to know him. All the boys were smirking when you walked up to George, putting your hand out for him to shake it. 'Oh so I don't get a hug? That kinda makes me sad considering you're plans earlier sounded a lot more promising', he smiled. Your cheeks turned bright red as you gave him a hug anyways. 'I'm gonna go make the chicken shoarma, Lando just told me he needed my help', you said as you made your way to the kitchen as fast as you could. 'Oh so now you are helping', Lando said. You heard the boys enter the dining room, still laughing about what had just happened. 

Half an hour later, dinner was finally ready. As you were struggling to take all the plates with you, you saw someone entering the room. It was George. You still didn't really know what to say, you didn't even dare to look at him. 'Hi, do you need help?' he asked you. Without waiting for your response, he grabbed a few plates out of your hands and put them on the counter. 'I, uhm, I was actually about to bring those to the table', you said. George smiled: 'I know, but I just wanted to come talk to you because I don't want you to feel awkward around me after what just happened, I actually thought it was really funny.' Your heart skipped a beat. This boy was so sweet, he didn't even need to come up to you and talk about this, he could just as easily have just laughed at it and made you feel awkward throughout the entire evening, but instead he came up to you to make sure you still felt comfortable around him. This instantly made you fall for him even more if that was even possible.

'I'm so sorry about that, I really hope you don't think I'm crazy right now', you said to him. 'No no not in the slightest, I've actually kinda got a confession to make to you...' He told you. A confession? What could that possibly be? You looked at him with a questioning expression. 'Okay so here goes nothing: remember when you used to be into karting when you were younger?' You nodded your head. Yeah, that's when your crush for him started... 'Well you always talked to everyone and you just looked so sociable and nice and funny and... well, pretty.' Your heart literally stopped right there. 'You talked to everyone, except for me. I was always jealous of those guys to be honest, why didn't you talk to me? Did you not think I was fun to be around, did you not like me?' Your eyes widened. During all those years you never realised that your awkwardness around him might've come across as you not liking him, you might've made it look like you didn't want to be friends with him, while in reality it the opposite was true.

'Oh my gosh no that wasn't it at all!' you told him, still in shock. 'No I think I've just figured that out', he smiled, causing you to burst out laughing too. 'I'm such an idiot, I'm sorry, but yeah the actual reason I never talked to you is because I was scared. I always looked up to you, you were always the best one on track and I guess that just made me to nervous, too awkward to talk to you', you explained. You continued: 'Thing is, even though we never really talked, I've always had a crush on you.' This was a very bold thing of you to say, but considering the way the evening started, you just decided to go for it, couldn't go any worse starting from there.

He smiled at you. 'You know (y/n), I've always had the biggest crush on you too. My heart broke when you stopped racing after the crash you got in, I always wanted to come visit you, I wanted to change your mind so I could see you at all of the races again.' This couldn't be true. Your lifetime crush actually had a crush on you as well. All those years without talking to eachother, but you guys still liked eachother. You looked him in the eyes when he put his hand on your cheek. Your heart started racing as you watched him come closer to you. He stopped with his lips only being a few centimeters away from yours, looking in your eyes for consent. You just smiled at him, closed your eyes and then you closed the gap between your lips. It was a magical moment as you felt butterflies in your stomach. Finally, after al those years of dreaming about it, it happened. You got to kiss the love of your life. 

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