"She's high and drunk, and I don't know what to do with her."

"Do you want me to come back?" I asked.

"No. Matty's here and I think we can handle it."

"Okay, well if you need me just call."

"I will. See you later."

"Bye." I said before hanging up. I walked back into the living room and saw Family Guy on the TV. Everyone was all snuggled up together, except for Alex, Tom, and Lacey. I sat back down next to Alex and put my arm around him.

"Is everything okay?" He whispered.

"Yeah, my mom just resurfaced so Callie was calling to tell me."

"Is your mom alright?" He sounded worried. I rubbed his arm and smiled.

"Just high and intoxicated. Other than that she's fine. If Callie and Matt need help they'll call."

"Oh my god. She should go to a hospital." He said.

"It's fine. This isn't the first time. I'll just go home and take care of her for a few days, and she'll be as good as she usually is." He sighed and nodded. A few minutes later there was the sound of keys jingling. Jasper and Shaun scurried up and whispered a few things before hiding. Who I'm guessing is Mr. Littleton walked through the door and stopped when he saw everyone. He looked towards Mrs. Littleton in the kitchen and started walking towards her.

"What's the occasion?" He asked as Jasper and Shaun tiptoed up behind him.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Littleton asked with a smile. Just after she said that, both boys jumped on their father. He gasped and threw them off before actually looking at them. He gasped again when he saw who they were and pulled them both in for a hug. He then took a step back and wacked them both upside the head.

"Dimwits. Scared me." He said causing them to smile.

"Love you too dad!" Shaun said throwing his arms back around him.

"Alright alright, go back to your girlfriend and boyfriend." Jasper ran for the couch.

"Incoming Joshy!" He yelled and dove over the couch. He overshot a little and grabbed onto Josh to try to stop him, but it didn't work. Josh just tumbled down on top of Jasper.

"Ow." Jasper said causing Josh to laugh. He just laid there on top of Jasper who didn't seem like he meant to get up anyways.

"Alright boys, I knew you were going to say lasagne so dinners ready!" Mrs. Littleton yelled.

"Yay!" Alex yelled and dragged me into the dining room.

"Are you prepared to taste the best lasagne you've ever tasted?" He asked. I nodded and rubbed my hands together while wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"Never been so ready in my life." He giggled and kissed my cheek.

"You're cute." He said as everyone walked in. I must admit, that was the best lasagne I have ever had. Not that that's saying much, I don't really have much experience with great lasagne.

"Do you want me to bring you boys home?" Mrs. Littleton asked after everyone put their dishes away.

"If it isn't any trouble." I said.

"Of course not dear." She said patting my cheek as she walked past me.

"We'll bring them home." Jasper said causing me to instantly pale. I looked down at Alex who smiled reassuringly. I shook my head slightly to Alex and he rolled his eyes.

"They won't care." He said.

"How do you know?" I whispered nervously. He pulled me into a hall away from the others.

"Who do you think is part of the army. It's all the people who can't afford college. All the people from places like you're from. All their friends are just like you." He said taking my hands. I leaned down and kissed his lips gently.

"If you say so." He nodded and led me back out to the others.

"You guys ready?" Jasper asked. We nodded and Jasper, Shaun, Alex, Lacey, Tom, and I all walked out to the car.

"How are we all going to fit?" Alex asked.

"You can sit on my lap." I suggested.

"Okay." He said sounded happy with that suggestion. We all piled into the car and I pulled Alex down onto my lap. He got himself comfortable and laid his head against my chest.

"Its going to be fine." He whispered. I nodded and kissed the top of his head. We pulled out of the driveway and started driving.

"Which way do I turn?" Shaun asked when we got out of the neighborhood.

"Left." I said. I gave them directions all the way to the motel. They pulled into the parking lot and stopped.

"You both getting out here?" Jasper asked.

"Yep, Landon I'm sleeping over." Tom said getting out of the car. Once he closed the door Alex leaned up to kiss me.

"See you Monday." He said sliding off my lap and on to the seat next to us.

"See you then." I smiled and opened the door. Matty came out of my hotel room shaking his head.

"Go to my room." He yelled down.

"Why?" I yelled up going to close the door, but Alex motioned for me to keep it open.

"She's gonna attack you. She already did to me."

"Where's Callie?"

"She's watching her."

"Well don't leave her alone!"

"No, she'll be after you cause you're a guy. She doesn't want girls."

"Oh my god." I said rolling my eyes.

"I've gotta go." I said to Alex and he nodded and moved his hand.

"Be careful." He said and I nodded. I closed the door and hurried up the stairs where Tom was waiting with Matty."

"Do I want to know why you were with Alex Littleton?" He asked. I sighed.

"I'll tell you later. Now what's going on?"

"Come see for yourself."

Hello everyone! I'm proud of myself for this fast update! I blame the dark and quiet ski club bus I'm on right now. Great time for writing inspiration.

So what did you think?

Hope you liked it! :)

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