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Elliot's POV

I'd always wondered what it's like on Earth. What's it like? What do they do down there? The more I heard about it, the more curious I was.

I was used to living up in the clouds, above the humans. It's quiet up there except for the birds, who were constantly chirping around us. Nothing exciting happened. The most interesting things I heard about were stories from other angels who have been to Earth.

Until one day Lucas, a general in the king's palace, summoned me with an announcement.

I walked into the dazzling white room and bowed to Lucas, smiling. "At your service."

He gave me a look. "No need for the formalities, Elliot. I have a request for you."

Lucas and I had been good friends ever since I was a young boy. He had seen me crying because my favourite teddy bear had blown away in the wind and come over to me. He'd made me laugh and comforted me, and even got me a new one.

"What's the request?"

"The council has decided to send an angel down to Earth to investigate a human girl," he explained. "This angel's job will be to watch over her and guide her. They will stay there for a month, making frequent reports, and help her make good decisions."

Excitement was building up inside me. I searched his eyes for any sign that he was joking. I found none.

This can't be real. It has to be a prank, right? There's no way the universe would answer my lifelong dream.

He grinned at me, almost like he could read my mind. "Elliot. . . they're sending you."

My Angel - A Milliot Story {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now