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Elliot's POV

This is it. Today is the day I can finally visit Earth. I exchange good-byes and hugs with my parents and start the descent towards the planet.

It's fascinating seeing how the sky changes as I descend. For one thing, it gets colder the further down I go. And for another, I start seeing a lot more birds around me. At home, we could hear the birds chirping, but they were rarely seen. We were so elevated that the birds would have to make a really long flight just to get some food or water.

I travel for a few hours before I can make out the land down below. My wings are exhausted, but seeing it so close fuels me with excitement and determination.

I glance at the magical compass Lucas had given me for directions. So far, it's directing me to the left a bit.

I follow the compass for a while before I arrive at my destination: the girl's house. I land in her front yard and look around in wonder.

There's this weird green poky stuff that's coming from the ground, and tall, brown things with green at the top that jutt from the ground. Lucas had told me about all of this - I'm pretty sure the green poky stuff is called grass and the tall, jutty things are called trees - but it was amazing seeing it all in real life.

I quickly hide myself from human eyes and enter the house when a woman opens the door. I quietly tour the house, looking for the girl I'm supposed to monitor. After searching countless rooms, I enter one that has the door slightly ajar and voices coming from it.

"-Can't believe we only have two weeks left until the band competition!"

My eyes immediately land on the owner of the voice. The girl.

Lucas had given me a description of her that matched perfectly with the girl in front of me. She has short, bold pink hair with a backwards cap covering it and bright pink eyes.

But Lucas hadn't included how beautiful she was. The description didn't describe how her eyes captivate me and seem to draw me in.

I snap back to reality to hear another girl's voice coming from a rectangle on the floor.

"I know, right? We have to get these songs down if we want to do well."

I tilt my head, confused. How is that girl's voice coming from a 3D object?

The girl snickers. "You still considering doing that duet with Jake? You'd do great together, ya know."

The rectangle voice sighs. "I'm still not sure I want to get up and sing in front of the whole school. Doing guitar in the background is one thing, singing with everyone's eyes on me is quite another."

"You'll do great no matter what you decide to do, Hailey, but I think you should go for it. You have an amazing voice." The girl's voice softens.

"Thanks, Milly," Hailey says.

Her name is Milly. I like her name. It's nice. I repeat it in my head a few times, trying it out. Milly.

"Milly! Dinner is ready!" Another voice calls from somewhere in the house.

"Oh shoot, I gotta go," Milly says hastily. "Bye, Hails."

Before she taps on the rectangle, I notice a face on it. The face of a teal-haired girl with deep obsidian eyes waving good-bye.

"Coming, mom!" Milly calls as she jumps up and leaves the room. I stay behind for a moment to examine the rectangle. It's blank. Where there was a face a moment ago, now all there is is darkness.

My Angel - A Milliot Story {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now