Chapter 64

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"YOU TWO are dating?!" Izuku screeched, the next morning, when you and Todoroki finally resolved to tell him.

"Don't tell the whole universe!" you hissed, making obscene hand gestures to make him be quiet.

"I-I'm sorry! It's just that," Izuku stuttered over his own words, his wide, green eyes flicking between you and Todoroki in shock, "when did this happen?!"

"Yesterday," Todoroki answered, glancing away, and rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.

"I see..." Izuku spluttered, "I mean... I suppose there were signs—"

"We don't need to talk about me making a fool out of myself," you cut in, folding your arms. "That is all that needed to be said."

"Well, congratulations!" Izuku exclaimed, grinning at you both.

Todoroki and you exchanged a shy look with each other, before quickly glancing away, too embarrassed to maintain eye contact. Izuku laughed at your interaction, claiming you two were perfect for each other.

The only other two you ended up informing were Tokoyami and Bakugo. Your fellow satan worshipper had congratulated you stoically, while Bakugo had fake puked, claiming you were both disgusting.

What came next, were the provisional licensing exams. Finally, you, Todoroki and Bakugo could obtain your temporary permit by passing a test, put together by Gang Ocra. The faithful day came, during Winter, and surprisingly enough, all three of you passed with relative ease.

(Camie and Yoarashi also succeeded.)

"These things are shiny," you commented, as you left the building, flicking the card in your hand, reading vaguely over the details inscribed on it.

Though, you squinted in curiosity when you noticed a spare, empty white place on the plastic, captioned, "Approval".

"Whatever," Bakugo snorted, shoving his into the back pocket of his uniform. "Now we can start beating villains up."

You narrowed your eyes at him, not missing out on the subtle 'we' he'd used instead of the usual 'I'.

Perhaps he had matured a bit.

Todoroki stared down at his license, before smiling quietly to himself, and carefully placing it in his own pocket. When he caught you looking, he hastily looked away, to hide his face.

You only laughed, and tapped his cheek, prompting him to glance back at you hesitantly; "You're well on your way to surpassing your god awful father now!" you grinned, giving him a dorky thumbs up.

Todoroki blinked, turning slightly red, before reaching out, and firmly taking your hand in his. "Come on, let's get to the taxi, it's cold out here," he monotoned.

"You don't feel the cold though?..." you asked quizzically, which caused him only to walk faster.

"That's not what I mean," he responded, still refusing to look at you.

A huge, lovesick smile spread across your face when you realised he was worried about you.

Bakugo made mock barfing sounds, purposefully distancing himself from the both of you.

Before you could exit, though, Arther approached you, having oversaw the assessment. "I hate to be a downer, but (Y/n) needs to have their card verified," he spoke, giving you an apologetic glance.

Ah. So what was what the empty space on your license had been for.

"Why?" you questioned, frowning.

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