Part 12

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"I'm back in."

Alex could hear the smile in Sharon's voice following her pardon, just as Sam had promised her. "Ah, back in the game.  Then I believe a congratulations is in order - Agent Carter."

"Yes. I'm looking forward to this - a lot."

"Oh, I know."

"Be ready - we're going to have a lot of goodies heading our way."

"Yeah, about that - I don't know how much I can promise helping out in this-"

"Oh no," Sharon cut her off.  "Don't tell me you've gone all heroic now just cause you're dating Captain America." 

"I'm not dating Sam-"

"Speaking of which, does Sam know everything? Who you are? What you really are?"

Alex said nothing, but her jaw clenched.

Sharon continued, and Alex could hear that smile again in her voice.  "Not even a real person, nothing but a fake... I wonder what Sam would think if he found out he'd fallen for a clone-"


Alex cut her off - that was enough. More than enough of that. 

Well, she'd just hung up on the boss, but she didn't care. In fact, she could care less. 

She tossed the cellphone with little care onto the bed and turned to the mirror. Lifting up her shirt she peered at the bullet wound from Karli's gun.  

A green mark, like a fading bruise, was there in the wound's place. But this wasn't a bruise - no, this was a deeper, darker green, like her skin had turned green.

Like it was green. 

She was a clone, one of many - though how many she wasn't sure - of the original Black Widow, Sascha Shostakov.  Alex herself wasn't a 'perfect' clone, she never had, and, as the mad scientists were convinced, never would be.  She was still enough of her own person for their liking, seen as a failed attempt, an experiment gone wrong. It took them a long time to 'perfect' their work. 

But no way was she going to tell Sam all that, or any of it. It was out of her control, all of it, her whole life, but no way would she tell him. No way could she tell him. Not unless she wanted to risk everything. 

She dropped her shirt back down, covering the mark.

Enough of that. 


"All I'm saying is, I saw them in action together, and they made a sweet team," Sam told her.  He playfully nudged her arm.  "So what d'ya say? Want to be the Black Widow to my Captain America?"

She smiled. "I might just take you up on that, Captain."

"Very well, Agent. Also, on that note, you can stay for as long as you want. Sarah and I don't mind, and the boys definitely don't mind. They love you."

She smiled.  "That's sweet. They're sweet. You all are. I would love to stay if you will have me."

"Then stay."

"Then I will." 

Finally, they seized the moment as theirs, and leaned forward, sealing their words, promises to each other, with a kiss, one that was long overdue. 

When they pulled back, both were smiling. 

"I think we've finally found our right timing," he said. 

"Yes, I think we finally have, Angel," she agreed.  

"Eww, gross!" AJ stood there in the doorway. This made them both laugh. 

Yeah, things were good. For now, things were great. 

And she would try her very best to keep them that way. 

(So the stuff about Alex being a clone ties into my Yelena Belova story (you get the answers in that one!) Just so you know :) 

Well here we are, the end! As always, thank you so much for reading and sticking with me and I hope you enjoyed overall! :))

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