Chapter 35; His side of the story

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"They made me the president of Computer Club last week, which is a bit weird cuz what does a computer club needs a president for?"

As he talked, an unstoppable smile was spreading across my face. "But then again, it's kinda cool, because I get my certificate and a wicked badge. And vouchers."

Haknyeon, then cleared his throat, knowing it's his turn to talk.
"I... passed the entrance test to YMC academy!" Both of us gasped automatically.

"I can't believe this. Haknyeon kept his promise. This is big news!!" Couples of marshmallows had come towards me flying as I said.

Getting into YMC academy can guarantee you 60% of getting into universities. And the fact that Haknyeon is going to learn it is amazing!

"Omg. I should tell everyone about this!" Changmin said, his dimples showing up.

"Oh gosh. No. My mom had been telling everyone in the neighborhood that even Mr.Joe knows this now." Haknyeon said, shaking his head in denial.

Laughter filled the room as we laughed at Haknyeon's story. I tossed a marshmallow at him. He caught it and popped it in his mouth.

"Hey," Haknyeon said, pointing at my hat, chewing. "Your hat's back."
"You'll never believe who I saw this afternoon."

I told them about my encounter with Mina at the bus stop. About how she has waited for me on the way home and returned my hat.

About how I expected her to lay into me... But she didn't.
"This is unbelievable!" exclaimed Changmin, knocking the marshmallows off the bed.

"This means you win, Yoona. You win. It's a Christmas Miracle," he raised his hand. "Don't leave me hanging here!"

I high-fived him, shaking my head. "Enough about her, let's talk about LEE JUYEON..."

Changmin listened, wide-eyed as I recounted the story of my night at Johwa. Haknyeon nodded, munching on the marshmallow.

It was strange, hearing myself tell it out loud. And as I spoke, memories I had tried hard to bury came rushing back to me. I could feel the midnight chill on my back of my hands.

I could feel the rumble of traffic on the streets below. I could see the rain rushing down in the columns towards the pavement as I leaned over the balcony.

Reliving it all over again, I realized I'd almost forgotten how wretched Juyeon had made me feel. How much I'd hated him for treating me that way.

"So hang on," said Haknyeon, tossing the marshmallow away when I finished. "You're not talking to Juyeon anymore... at all?"

"Of course not." Changmin and Haknyeon looked at each other. "But... Yoona..."

"What?" I said. "Why are you two looking at me like that?" Changmin clicked his fingers. "I need your laptop."

I passed Changmin my computer and, flipped the lid. Changmin typed frantically for a few seconds, Haknyeon speaking from behind.

Then the laptop was spun towards me, on the screen, a YouTube video was presented. "What's this?"

"Just watch," he said, sitting back against the headboard. The video, which turned out to be a THE WATCHER news report, began to play.

A man and a woman sitting next to each other behind a fake news desk. Above their heads, a composite photo of Juyeon and Chaerin hovered in one corner, a little spinning globe in the other.

"....Now, Hyunjin ssi," said the man with a sharp chin. "Talk to me about Juyeon. What's going on here?" The woman pointed a manicured finger in the air.

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