Chapter 35; His side of the story

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"Hi," said Changmin, Haknyeon waving at me from behind. I stared at them, dumbfounded.

A single marshmallow tumbled off the bookshelf. "Oh my god..."

They were everywhere. Lining the windowsill, strewn across my pillow z piled in miniature pyramids on the desk.

They'd even marked out my initials on the bed: K in red, Y in blue, and N in purple.

If you're really sad, do you know what I'd do? I'd fill your bedroom with marshmallows.

"I... can't believe you guys did this," I whispered, noticing a marshmallow in one of my slippers. "I can't believe you'd do this." It was like walking into a dream.

"You're crazy." Changmin looked crestfallen. " don't like it?" I could tell he was holding back tears.

"No," I said breaking into a smile. "No, I love it. I..." Changmin's knees were jiggling, and he bit his lips.
"I love it, you big stupid idiot."

He sat up on the bed, the words spilled out of him. "I know this doesn't change what I did," he gabbled, knocking marshmallows onto the carpet.

"I know I can never take that back ever. But I can be your best friend again, Yoona. I know I can." He looked at me, eyes huge, tears beginning to form.

"If you'll have me." I stared back at Changmin, his face filled with hope and heartache.

Without him, my life was black and white. I knew that nothing was fun anymore. It was like a piece of me was gone.

No one else in the world would do something like this for me.

"I've missed you," I said, stepping forward, accidentally squishing a marshmallow. Changmin nodded, his chest swelling. "So much."

We were quiet for a few seconds, coined in our marshmallow dream world.
"Uh-huh." Changmin's lips wobbled.

"Is it okay if I cry now?" I glanced at Haknyeon, he was already crying, his face buried in his jacket.

Before I could say, little sobs started falling out of Changmin. And I hurried across the room, sending marshmallow piles flying.

I sat down next to Changmin and hugged him tight against me. My other hand invited Haknyeon to join, his body obeyed instantly.

Changmin gazed up at me, face sticky with tears, and sniffed. "I spent all of the allowances." He sobbed into my jumper for a little while.

"You owe me 50 bucks," came a shaky voice from a gentleman crying on top of us. I shoved marshmallows to both of their mouths.

They chewed them as they sobbed.
"It's impossible to be sad when you're eating a marshmallow. That's a scientific fact."

I scanned the room, struggling to count the haul. There were hundreds and hundreds of them. How did they even manage to decorate in a short amount of time?

"If we eat all this, we're all going to puke," Haknyeon said, wiping his tears. Changmin squeaked. "I can't wait."

For a while, all of us lay down next to each other in silence, sugary scent in the air, and I realized I suddenly had everything I could ever need, sitting right here in the bedroom.

I had my best friends back.

"I've got SO much to tell you," Changmin said with a sniff.

As we settled back into our established places, cross-legged on the bed, Haknyeon had already started his marshmallow mukbang.

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