Dalmary Town

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(y/n) POV:

It had been a day since we had left the forest after dealing with Gilthunder. Meliodas was injured so we were taking him to a doctor in Dalmary town. We had put him in his room once we got back to the tavern. Diane was walking outside next to Hawk's mom looking bored. Elizabeth had went directly to her room after what I said to her in the forest. She hasn't come out to talk to anyone or eat as far as I know. The only exception to that rule being Hawk. Hawk routinely went to her room and whenever he came out he would go out of his way to glare at me.

Diane hadn't said anything, instead opting to just focus on getting the captain to the nearest hospital. There was no telling if she approved my actions, or were disappointed by them. I wasn't exactly feeling any repercussions, now of course Hawk and his glare was annoying but he quickly stopped once I returned it. While I could've been nicer about it, I meant every word I had said to Elizabeth. If she continued to go down this path she had started she would die before she could finish.

Snapping out of my thoughts I felt the tavern shake which meant that the tavern was being dug into the ground.  Looking outside I noticed the town of Dalmary and Diane sitting in front of the tavern, waiting for me to come out with captain. Going up the stairs to where we kept Meliodas I walked past Elizabeth's door contemplating on whether or not to knock on it. Deciding not to I walked past before Grabbing Meliodas and heading outside to a waiting Diane. Looking down at me she nodded before walking towards the town looking to see where the nearest hospital was. 

Her sudden appearance seemed to have frightened the townspeople, who I could only assume had never seen a Giant before. Some shouted while others simply looked on in awe.  Diane made sure not to step on anyone but was still looking around frantically for a hospital. She crouched down and asked the nearest villager. " Where's the nearest hospital sir?" Now of course the villager was to shocked to respond, whether it be because of fear or nervousness he soon passed out after being questioned by the giant. I sighed before walking to a villager and asking the same thing.

Elizabeth POV:

I sat in my room in the tavern. I watched out my window as the three sins left. I had sat in this room for the better part of the last two days. Hawk of course kept me company and after I told him what (y/n) had said to me in the forest he was upset. He even tried to encourage me by saying that if what he had said was true, I wouldn't have survived the battles that it took to get here.  But as I sat in my room and thought about it I realized what he had said was true.

From the very first day I had met him it had been true. I stumbled into that forest that (y/n) was in by luck and I was even luckier when he saved me. If he hadn't shown up then would I still be alive? Would I have been able to take down that wolf like he did? Like Meliodas could? Or Diane? Or any of the other sins that I would find on this journey? As I thought about it more and more the more sense (y/n) was making. The eight deadly sins were holy knights, and even then they still stood leagues above other knights.

I couldn't even defend myself against a regular knight if I needed to. Could I really be use of to them? Was I truly needed to help save the kingdom? If I can't help fight them fight what can I actually do? Sighing to myself I laid back in the bed before staring at the ceiling, thinking about what had sparked this reaction from (y/n). Had he always felt this way? Had this truly been the reason he left me at the tavern? if I hadn't met him would I have found anyone else? My train of thought was interrupted by Hawk coming in the room.

*short timeskip*

(y/n) POV:

Diane is seen sitting next to a building, where Meliodas is being treated by Dr. Dana inside the building, and watched warily and with discrimination by the villagers. It seemed that the villager think that Diane must of attacked that one guy after he passed out. Since then they've been standing inside their homes more or less glaring at her. Diane didn't seem to notice, her sole focus being on the captain laying in the bed of the hospital room. 

 The doctor who was treating him hadn't really said anything to me while I was here. He had simply taken Meli before bringing him to a room upstairs. Looking out the window again I see Elizabeth with Hawk by her side walking towards Diane, before saying something I can't hear and then walking inside the hospital I'm in. A few seconds later she walks in the door with Hawk in tow. She doesn't even spare me a glance before she goes to the doctor and ask about Meliodas condition. " Excuse me Mr. could you please tell me what going on with the patient on the bed?"

The doctor seems more at ease with her presence than with mine. Yet I can't really blame him, a cloaked figure with a bloody body isn't exactly the best first impression. Toss a giant into the mix and that's one weird group. " Well all means he should be dead Ms." "Elizabeth." " Yes Ms. Elizabeth he should be dead due to his wounds. It's nothing short of a miracle that he's survived this long.  " Thank you doctor." Hearing this the doctor leaves the room. For a second Elizabeth doesn't move before going to the captain's bedside and gently squeezing his hand before going back outside to Diane, all without sparing me a glance.

3rd person POV: 

Elizabeth walks outside to Diane who looks excited at her appearance. " Elizabeth I need you to tell (y/n) I'm going ahead to Baste Prison." Diane says before turning around and walking away only for Elizabeth to shout at her "Wait Diane, I want to come too!" Elizabeth shouted at Diane, who stopped once she heard the princesses shout. Diane turns around looking apologetic before she responds to Elizabeth. " Elizabeth, I'm sorry really, but as you are now, you can't help any of us. " Diane goes to turn around again only to be interrupted yet again by Elizabeth's yelling. " I don't care! I want to be of use to (y/n) and the captain! They've already done so much for me and fought a holy knight to help the kingdom." With her last sentence she unknowingly upsets Diane. Diane, says that Meliodas and (y/n) were not doing it just for the princess, and that they were  always like that.

She continues, and narrates the story of how she and the two sins first met. When she had just left the Giants' Clan and was traveling alone, she had gotten into an argument with a group of knights who were treating her badly because of her size. Just then, Meliodas attacked them, and in response to them chastising him for supporting a giant, retorted that they were just ganging up on a single girl, with his treatment of Diane surprising her. After Meliodas quickly defeated them, (y/n) appeared and  asked Diane if she was scared,  while Meliodas was moving the bodies of the knocked out knights to the side of the road. When she didn't answer Meliodas came beside (y/n) before leaning on the male and repeating the question. Diane was shocked, standing before her were two humans who had treated her as if she was just a normal girl.

Diane, having finished the story, then says since she is not small and cannot take care of her fellow sins, the only thing she can do is to fight for them. As Elizabeth declares her wishes of wanting to have strength so that she could fight the Holy Knights and not be a hindrance, Diane declares her own of wanting to be small. With this conversation a new understanding was given to both sides. 

Suddenly, Hawk notices the sky near Baste Dungeon darkening, and the darkness coming toward Dalmary Town quickly. Elizabeth wonders if they were rainclouds, and if was Gilthunder their origin, but Hawk notices that it is a swarm of poison bugs, who start destroying the town with their poison. Though initially unable to fight them due to her fear of bugs, Diane overcomes it for Meliodas and quickly kills them all by raising huge pillars from the earth, much to Friesia's surprise. In the Baste Dungeon, two guards notice that the battle has started, and one of them states that the Seven Deadly Sins would not be able to win against the Holy Knights, as suddenly, Ban breaks his cell's door, much to their surprise, and casually comments that "taking walks once in a while" is nice.

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