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In a beautiful town of Indego, with its clear skies at night. A young lady named Jessica was driving home and singing along in her car.

It was quite a fun drive for her, until she came to a stop. She stopped even though there were no cars. She pretty much obeyed all rules, orders, protocols and laws.

Then suddenly there was a knock on her window. It was a really furious knock that it made her jump from her sit. There was a man by the window he was shot. Jessica quickly opened up her door and helped him in.

" Oh my God. We need to take you to the hospital." she spoke shocked.

Derek whispered under his breath " No we don't, I'm alright."

She looked at him with a confusion for a second.

" ... And what makes you say that. You are hurt and have to go to the hospital. Can't people be positive for a sec around here."

Derek chuckled and her eyes met his.

" So what's funny Mr " We don't I'm alright?" She mimicked him.

" I'm alright, I just need a place to stay. This... " Derek raised his arm and looked at it " is nothing, it's just a bruise and besides it's late for a woman like you to be driving around and I'm of no use at the moment. "

She didn't answer him and looked at him.

" Oh my gosh then I'll have to call an ambulance."

She took out her phone inside her purse and dialled the emergency number.

"What's the ambulance number again?"

" Dude, would you stop freaking out and drive I just need a place to stay." Derek let out a frustrated sigh before continuing " I need a place to stay. Some bastards ambushed me and took my stuff, actually everything while coming back from work. "

" Then I'll have to call the police. "

" I'm too worn out for the night, I'll file a complaint tomorrow morning. "

Jessica suddenly looked sad.

" I'm sorry about that, I'll gladly help you out then."

" Thanks. " Derek sarcastically said.

He tried sitting up comfortably but winced in paid as he shifted and he remembered he was shot.

" So sorry about that, let's take you home quickly."

She drove a little faster and tried to make the drive as comfortable as possible for Derek. The drive was quite at first then she broke the silence.

" Soo... what's your name? " she asked then quickly told me hers " Well I'm Jessica."

" De..."

" Oh we are here, let's get you inside." she cut him short.

She came to Derek's side and opened the door for him then helped him out.

" You do realise that my arm is the one that's shot not my leg. " Derek remarked.

She quickly opened the house door for him ignoring him and all of a sudden she screamed.

" What the hell are you screaming for lady." Derek whisper shouted.

" I'm letting you in my house, I don't even know who you are." she shrieked.

" I must be crazy. Anyways come in and get your wound cleaned and treated before it gets infected and for the record don't try anything stupid because I won't hesitate cutting off your finger."

" Lady what's wrong with you? Besides I won't try anything I told you I just need a place to stay for the night. "

They walked inside the house and she answered Derek.

" Nothing...." She was quite and Derek figured out that she doesn't know his name.

"Derek." He spoke bluntly.

"Yes Derek, actually what's wrong here is your wound."

She went in first then Derek punched the back of her head and with that she fell unconciouse . He caught her so that she doesn't fall hard on the floor and form another bruise but fall slow without hurting herself.

" Ugh " he groaned, for a second he thought that she was fine on the floor. Then again felt pity for her and layed her on the couch.

Derek went into her bathroom and opened her cabinet and found a first aid kit and helped himself out.

After that he went to help himself in the kitchen. God she had good food. He looked around the house and found a bedroom then thought it might be hers. He took her from the couch and carried her bridal style to her bedroom and threw her on the bed then left her to sleep.

He made food for himself then got comfortable on the couch Jessica was laying on a few minutes ago and switched on the television. The channel was on news and there was a report about shooting in Comerica building. He saw a picture of himself with the caption of: "WANTED, REWARD R500 000."

"Wow that's a little amount of money for that person who would want to catch me and succeed. Which is impossible" he smiled to himself.

While watching the news his phone rang.

" Danm I still have a phone after all this commotion. " Derek said before replying his phone.

" Where are you man? You're all over the news. " Gabriel shouted on the other end of the phone in one breath.

" At some girl's house. I knocked her out and I'll be out before she knows it. "

" This is no time to be playing games. How are you at someone's house? They could know who you are and turn you in. "

" I said I knocked her out, there's no harm. "

" Okay, If you're at someone's house stay there don't let the police know where you are, by all means hide yourself. Do you understand me, the police are looking for you murderer. "

" I'm not a murdurer, I did what I had to do to get out of there alive. "

" Well that's not what everybody thinks. "

" Don't worry I'm a pro at this. "

Derek cut his brother's call and continued eating and changed the channel to watch something less stressing like the news.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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