The Justice Duo (Aftermath)

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As Viperion walked away, the hero stared down at the former villain. However, his stare wasn't reciprocated. He frowned a bit, noticing the others face. Marcs eyes looked drained, or tired, and there was a hint of pain in there too. The fox hero reached his hand down and brushed Marc's cheek gently, which causes a reaction out of him. He blushes quickly, and closes his eyes. 'Hey, uh- Are you okay?' Nathaniel spoke, trying to sound polite. The other nodded softly, and then looked up at him. 

'Y-Yeah, I just- I d-don't really have anywhere t-to go, heh.' The boy replied, cracking a fake smile. When the hero stared down at him in concern, he laughed awkwardly and added on to what he said before. 'I-I don't have a home. I-I just walk a-around during the night, o-or work at a b-bookstore.'

Ruse Renard frowned, then tightened his grip on the boy in his arms. 'We could go to er, my house, i-if you'd like.' he stuttered a bit on his words, and to be fair, who could blame the guy? Its not a question you'd usually ask someone. Surprisingly, Marc smiled and nodded. The hero wasted no time, and ran into the direction where Viperion went, except took a father right. 

Marc, meanwhile, was having one of the biggest overthinking moment you could possibly imagine. Thousands of questions flooded his poor head, which causes his face to turn completely red. Who even was this guy? Should he trust him? What if he was gonna hurt him in some way? What if he hates him after-

'You know, if you think harder, I'm probably going to be able to read you mind.' The hero teased, which made the boy he was holding blush even more. The hero chuckled, and soon after, the boy did too.


The hero landed on the front step of his 'home'. The black haired boy opened his eyes, and realized they were there, as the hero walked in. they were in a hotel room at the Mayor's hotel. He knew, as before he attended Dupont High, he worked here. This was the soundproof room, reserved for strictly only heroes; when he work there as a maid, he was only allowed there twice.

Caught up in his own thoughts, Marc didn't notice himself being set down next to a wall. He also, perhaps, didn't notice the fact that there were two arms on either side of his head. Once he snapped back to reality, he was inches away from the heroes face. Ruse Renard's eyes seemed to be hinted with a bit of slyness, and Marc couldn't help but feel his cheeks heat up. 

Nathaniel didn't even know what he was doing, to be fair. If he didn't have this miraculous, he'd probably chicken out from doing something like this. His miraculous must have gave him some sort of confidence, as he places his left hand on the others chin, cupping it. The boy looked up at him, blushing. 

A moment they both wanted for a long time came. Their lips slowly connected, but it didn't last that long. They both were red, trying to process what happened. However, it wasn't even a matter of seconds before Marc wrapped his arms around the heroes neck, and stared into them. That action cause the other to hold his shoulders, and they connected their lips yet again. 

This time, however, the kiss was more passionate. Marc was pressed up against the wall, with the hero tightly pressed against him. His hands traveled down the taller males body, from the shoulders to his waist. The other whimpered, as the hero was taking his sweet time. He pinched Marcs hip, experimenting a bit. The black hair whimpered, opening his mouth a tiny bit.

That was enough for the fox to force his tongue in, attacking his mouth. The taller boy whimpered again, unraveling by the moment. Nathaniel was amused; he never knew that his writing partner was this vulnerable. Hm.

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