Mission Butterfly

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'Cutting is not a trend it's addiction. It's like screaming but no one could hear. It's an everyday battle.' Hi guyz am a part of mission butterfly. It's against self harming. So here's go my lil bit.....

If you harm yourself you are making a monster in you alive. Yeah. Within you there are many faces. N when it comes to self harm you need to choose between a monster and a warrior. And every time you cut yourself, the monster wins. N you only tell me who is better Poseidon or polybot.  Poseidon right?

Yeah now come to our mission butterfly against self harm.

So it simply means whenever u want to cut or burn draw a butterfly and name it after a loved one so whenever you'll cut it it means the butterfly died. So now you want to know what's your role if you don't harm yourself. Then  listen. You need to know some important things:

-it's not something done for attention, coz it take alot get to the point of turning mental pain into physical pain.

-and it's next to suicide. Coz a person wants to die but he wants to live coz he or she has reasons. But still they die everyday.

-and people who harm yourself think if they tell anyone everyone will hate them. N they are right so it would be great if you first change your mind set

-and all you need to do is to create awareness about it and spread love coz it's a powerful thing even God can't go against it.

N. Ummmm... if you harm yourself then I know you know you don't want to harm but you can't control it and you think it's one way and I also know that there is only 1% chance to get back but you need to become a warrior. So just listen to your conscious and wake your soul. So you get to the right path (you could read 'laws of spirit world' ) and i love you. And you have no right to hurt my dear ones.

So when it comes to causes I've researched and found.

If  a person is bullying you then he or she is just like you. But you harm yourself and they harm others.
What you could do?

Try to talk to him or her. You could do it with the help of a councillor.
If you are a bully...

Then tell me what is better to see yourself crying or smilling. Of course smilling so why to do something which make someone else cry. N if you are suffering from something Then you shouldn't make someone's life hell and rather help cause You don't know what's happening in there life. And everyone have there battles so decide on which side you are a warriors or a monsters.

Personality and looks

A major reasons for self harming. Taunted for the personality You have or looks. Then lemme clear that be the person you are and that also a warrior one. If a person calls you loser and you harmed yourself you simply proved him right. And maybe you are a introvert and your parents scold or sometimes they also taunt then c'mon man they are your parents so just tell them that mom and dad it's my type and I love to be like that and even mahatma Gandhi and Bill gates are of my kind. And if you are extrovert, ambivert or any other kind do the same. And if a classmate is taunting you give him a smirk and just walk away. N you could also tell them that they should stop being jealous.
Dear peers

You don't know how much words could affect so think before saying anything.
Dear teachers or boss

Do you think if you'll taunt a student he or she will succeed in life. No it sometimes means to dig a hole for them. Am not saying you to not be strict but everything has its limitations.
Dear family

Please please understand that your child has its own power, n it would be great if you show them your love.N if you get to know they are harming themselves then don't scold them rather show concern and love.

You should respect your brother or sister. You need to involve them with you. N show your kindness and love to them


If you are getting depressed coz they taunt u for your sexuality. Then awwww... I loved your naivety. You know because you get depressed because of such stupid peoples. You know what dear if they say you are a shame just say "yeah so what? At least am a human unlike You " because they are shame not you coz they can't accept a persons choice. So just chillax.


Peoples having disorders like ADHD, IED, bipolar, down syndrome are neglected or made fun off. And you know what I have a small brother with down syndrome and he bang his head because he don't have friends, he is all alone in school and even teachers don't take care of him. And he don't understand what I say but I always show him my love and now the thing is reduced. So guyz don't ignore try to befriend with everyone or not that then help him or her and try to show your concern. N dear people with disorders don't do this to yourself coz it will increase your problem

Ways of self harm

Cutting and burning

Banging your head


Lots of exercises I mean exercising like hell.

Scratching and interfering in a healing wound.

Now some important things to remember.

I love you the way you are coz you are awesome when you are just yourself. You are strong and your smile is so cute. But I hate that pain in your eyes. Yeah there are people around you pretending to be happy but still broken, so stop comparing you idiot and  live your life. Music and meditation are awesome thing (hey my initial is also M wooo every awesome thing is from M). Just hug yourself and kiss coz it's important for you to love yourself and after this you still think no one loves you THEN REMEMBER THIS THING IS WRITTEN BY SOMEONE IT'S NOT SOMETHING LIKE ATOM WHICH NEITHER  BE CREATED NOR DESTROYED. so just love yourself and stop over thinking coz then you'll do nothing  (coz I do the same) so just think relax and do your part. And

If you ever need help am right here for you. And if you think I can't understand you or can't relate then you don't know me and I think you know so if you want help am here.
So I finally done with it and here's a book bein written on self harm by one of wattpad friend :
And I'll soon write about homosexuality and personality and looks so change your mind which you made at that introverts thing (ok yeah I know you want me to write about other personalities ). In cas you have suggestions then you are free to do so.  N I've done my lil bit now it's your turn. And stop over thinking. And if you feel to do it again re read this BUT FONT YOU DARE DO THAT THING AGAIN.
If you want me more to write about  this or something else you could ask me to do so. And I've said so much still want to talk but need to end coz then I'll start babbling.
Bye. Love you

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